Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Make Homemade Fizzy Bath Bomb Balls
Use your chemistry skills to make a fizzy, scented bath bomb (bath ball). Make them for yourself or give them as gifts. Its pretty easy to make and takes only about 15 minutes. Fizzy Bath Bomb Chemistry Fizzy bath bombs or bath seltzers are an example of an acid-base reaction. The citric acid (weak acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, a weak base) react together to release carbon dioxide gas. This gas forms the bubbles. The citric acid and baking soda dont react until they are in an aqueous (water-based) solution. The cornstarch helps keep the bath bombs dry until you add them to the bath. You could substitute Epsom salts in place of the cornstarch if you prefer. What You Need for Bath Bombs 2 tablespoons citric acid2 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 cup baking soda1/4 teaspoon fragrance oil3 to 6 drops of food color3 tablespoons vegetable oil How to Make a Bath Bomb Mix all dry ingredients (citric acid, cornstarch, baking soda) in a bowl.In a different bowl or a small cup, mix the vegetable oil, fragrance, and coloring together.Slowly incorporate the oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Mix well.Roll clumps of the mixture into 1-inch balls and put them on waxed paper. They will be semi-hard within two to three hours, but allow 24 to 48 hours for them to fully dry before storing them.Store bath balls in a sealed container, away from moisture.Add a few to the bath and enjoy! For gift-giving, the balls may be placed in individual candy cups. Useful Tips Fragrance and/or coloring is optional.Suggested vegetable oils include coconut oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, or olive oil, although any emollient oil will work.Use small molds to make three-dimensional fizzy bath shapes.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The First Modern President Of The United States - 1069 Words
The First Modern President of the United States: Theodore D. Roosevelt Some may wonder why Theodore Roosevelt would deserve the title â€Å"the First Modern President†. He accomplished many things, and although he was liked by most, he promised he would not run a second term. In his short four years as president, Theodore Roosevelt was able to pass many acts such as: Dolliver-Hepburn Railroad Act, Extension of Forest Reserve, National Irrigation Act, Improvement of waterways and reservation of waterpower sites, Safety Appliance Act, Employers’ Liability Act, Regulation of railroad employees’ hours of labor, Establishment of Department of Commerce and Labor, Pure Food and Drugs Act, and the Federal meat inspection. Theodore Roosevelt was born†¦show more content†¦Theodore Roosevelt’s mother also died the same day in the same house, he was brokenhearted and in misery leading him to temporarily leave politics and become a cattle rancher in the Dakota s. Two years later, he married his childhood friend, Edith Kermit Carow. They had a total of five children, four boys and a girl: Theodore Ted III (1887–1944), Kermit (1889–1943), Ethel (1891–1977), Archibald (1894–1979), and Quentin (1897–1918). Before being president, Theodore Roosevelt was many things: a member of the New York State Assembly, a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York City Police Board, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, and Vice President from March-September 1901 when he succeeded to the presidency. Theodore Roosevelt became president on September 14, 1901 after President McKinley was assassinated on September 6, 1901. He was the youngest president the nation had ever had; he was 42 years old. He served through most of the first decade of the 1900’s. He was determined to build a canal across the Panama. The United States helped Panama gain its freedom from Colombia. The U.S. then ma de a treaty with Panama to gain the canal zone for $10 million including annual payments. Theodore Roosevelt was very involved in foreign policy. He added the Roosevelt Corollary to the
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Creating and Developing Innovations
Question: Discuss about the Creating and Developing Innovations. Answer: Introduction: Innovation is the process of production, assimilation, adoption and exploitation of a value added novel service in the social and economic spheres such as enlargement or renewal of the market or the product, development of the new production process or renewal of the new management system. The innovation process is the process of discovering, creating and developing the idea, refining the innovation idea into the useful form and gain profit from them. This report will study the innovation process in the Fair deal company. The Fair deal company is the company that manufactures the personal care products, both for men and women. The company wants to innovate its product by giving them look through the attractive packaging because the attractive packaging can support to attract more and more customers towards the product and hence an increase in the sale of the product (Franke, Keinz and Klausberger, 2013). This innovation will support the company in having the competitive advantage over the other same type of the products. But, the company knows that there is a need of the proper innovation process and its proper implementation and management to assure the success of the innovation. Creating and Developing Innovations: The innovation process poses a number of challenges (Bguin, 2007). If the one step of the innovation process is weak, or if the company does not follow a systemic process for the implementation of the innovative idea, the success of the innovation idea will be uncertain. But, if the company follows the right path of the proper innovation process, then the benefits of the innovation can be achieved. In the innovation process, the manager of the company plays a vital role in the innovation process. In management, Policy and Practice of the innovation, following are the areas where the manager can assist the innovation process. There is a need that manager pays attention to the details of the operation of the project of the innovation constantly. Managers should have the constant attention that the project of the innovation is working well or not and have eased to take the responsibility of the innovation task; he or she should provide a learning atmosphere for the employees so that they can explore themselves and innovate new ideas (J Haron, 2016). The manager should have clearer communication with the employees in the selection and evaluation of the innovative idea. There should be provision for the clear-cut protocols that will help both employees and manager to focus on the robust criteria for the innovation. The manager must rapidly respond to the constituents that are external and provide instant opinions to the experimentation. The efficient and worthy questions support to make this process efficient and effective (Fruehauf, Seeger and Topaly, 2005). The most and important thing that must in consideration of the manager is the desire and need of the customer during the innovation process. The use of the creative technology that is computing infrastructure and data mining is necessary for the consideration of the customer perception and desire. Hence, the success of the innovation process mainly depends on upon the effective role of the manager. So, the responsibility of the manager of the Fair Deal Company is very high in the innovation process. In the above-mentioned area, the manager of the Fair Deal Company should work hard and ineffective manner for the success of the innovation process. For the proper implementation and management of the innovation process, the company has to follow the five steps of the innovation process that are as follows. 1. Generation and mobilization of the innovative idea 2. Advocacy of the innovative idea and its screening 3. Experimentation 4. Commercialization 5. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation Generation and mobilization of the innovative idea This step involves the generation of the new ideas and movement of the idea in the other department or outside the organization. Innovation idea is created for the improvement of an older idea or the existing idea. For example, the Apple Company innovated the idea of the manufacturing the iPod after the three years of MP3 player introduction that has the capability of 1000 songs (Klein and Dologite, 2000). The other example is the invention of the scotch tape was the brand new innovation. There is also a Richard Drews story; he is the college dropout student that saw the need for the special type of tapes that did not ruin the cars paint. He faced a number of hurdles in completing his invention, but his strong will and work ethic forced the company to give 15% of their working time to spend in the innovation process and they succeed in manufacturing that type of tapes. So, the fair deal company has two mobile the idea of innovation in the packaging and provides the time to the employ ees to spend on the newer ideas for the attractive type of packaging. How they can develop an attractive packaging, what type of container should be used, what type of material for packaging and so on? According to management, Policy and Practices of the innovation process, the manager of the company has an important role in the innovation process (Paulus and Brown, 2007). Manager of the Fair Deal Company should focus on the innovation process as the over-enforcement on the employees of the company can insist the employee leave the company for the stable job or negligence or lesser intention to the innovation process by the employee will decrease the idea generation and the urgency of the innovative idea. Advocacy of the innovative idea and its screening Once the company employs the employees for the creation of the new idea of the innovation, a number of ideas were innovated by the employees. Not all the innovative ideas can be implemented by the company, so the company has to screen out the best idea that is effective and with the budget of the company (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). For this, the company has to follow the second step of the innovation process advocacy and screening. In this step, the company has to do the evaluation of the innovative ideas and measurement of the key potential and benefits of the innovation ideas. Refinement is the best advantage of the joint approach of advocacy and screening. If an idea has a discussion, potential and arguments support to enhance it. The study of management, Policy and Practices of the innovation describes that how this step develop an innovation idea for the upper management that can be a call for a separate approach (Igartua and Albors, 2011). Because the employees that have genera ted the innovation idea do not have the skills to advocate it, the manager is the important person that facilitates supports and encourages the innovation idea generator. The Fair deal company should build a culture of the robust that can develop through the following practices. The first practice is to provide the adequate avenues to have feedback and advocacy. The second practice is that the company should understand the hurdles or problems faced by the employee during innovation of an effective idea. The third one practice is the company has the protocol that has transparent screening and evaluation. Experimentation In the step of experimentation, an innovative idea is tested on the basis of protocol or through the pilot test. The management Policy and Practices of the innovation describe that experimentation is just testing the merit and demerits of the innovation idea; it also tested on the basis sustainability of the company at a particular time. Some innovation idea may be beyond the capacity of the organization at the present time or may be ahead of the companys time. These innovation ideas should be saved in the innovation diary or a library for the future of the company (Acemoglu, Bimpikis and Ozdaglar, 2011). Experimentation can be done continuously or in the parts because advocates and the person who are going to screen the idea reevaluate the innovative idea. In some cases, experimentation leads to the newer idea because of the gathered information and evaluating the possibility of the original idea. In this process or step of experimentation, time is very crucial (Vetter, 2014). The e mployees should be given appropriate time to carry out the proper experimentation. As in this step, evaluation and refinement of the idea occur the enough time is required for the experimentation. Most of the companies experiment with the new services and product. For example, in 2007 the amazon experiments its service of the grocery delivery in the Seattle Suburbs, after the success of this experiment, the Amazon expanded its service in the other countries also (Vetter, 2014). The Fair Deal Company should do the experimentation with one or two of the products that the company should change the packaging of the one or two products and then observe the success of their packaging over the sale. If the sale of this two innovated product is increased due to the attractive packaging, then the rest of the product should also be packaged in attractive packaging. If this does not happen, then the company tries for the new packaging (Tricou, 2009). Commercialization Once, the innovative idea is refined and experimented, it could be used to target the audience and to meet the requirements of the customers. The aim of the commercialization is to create the market value of the innovation idea by focusing on the potential impact of the idea. This step involves the appealing of the idea to the audience that is the packaging of an innovative idea with the other ideas, clarification of how and when the innovation idea is used and use of the experimental data to describe the benefits of the innovation idea. The commercialization of the innovative idea is important to explore the market value of the product. The specification of the innovative idea is the important feature of the commercialization (Stevens, Johnson and Sanberg, 2011). The actual benefits of the innovation idea can be achieved and communicated only if the earlier potential and promises of the innovation idea are discarded. Commercialization is the process or step of the innovation where t he focus moves from preparation to persuasion. When an innovation idea is clarified after experimentation, it is ready for the diffusion and implementation process. The Fair Deal Company should do the proper commercialization of the newest innovative idea to explore the market value of the innovation idea after its experimentation. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation This is the final and critical step of the innovation process. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation are the two sides of the single coin. Diffusion is the acceptance of the innovation idea by the whole of the company and the implementation is everything that is used for the utilization and development of the innovation in the company. At all levels of the organization, diffusion occurs (O'Connor, 2003). The process of innovation is aided by the knowledge brokers that are an effective presentation of the innovation through the awareness of the particular content and application into which the innovation is inserted. Hence, the knowledge brokers assist the rapid implementation of the innovation. As the diffusion is the process of the acceptance of the innovation by all the members of the organization. For acceptance, there should be frequent and clear communication about the innovation in the employees, managers, and management. All the members should be clear that why this innovation is urgent to survive in the competitive world. For the implementation, the company should follow all the process and programs that are necessary for the development of the innovation such as equipment, material, training, procedure and so on. For the diffusion of the innovation idea and its implementation, The Fair Deal Company should have a clear communication with the employees, managers and management and motivation of the employees for the same, so that the employees gave their best performance in the innovation (Vetter, 2014). For the more clarification on the innovation, knowledge brokers should be added that will highlight the specific content of the innovation and support its rapid propagation. For the implementation of the innovation, the Fair Deal Company should do everything that is required for the same that is equipment, material, designing, training of the production and packaging team and so on. The new packaging of the personal care product requires the new material for the packaging, new equipment, new packaging procedure, training of the employees and so on. The company should do the arrangement for the all that and make the budget for the same and start its implementation (Vinodh, Devadasan and Rajanayagam, 2006). Hence, the innovation process is the complicated one and its success depends on upon the systematic approach of the innovation process. There should be the establishment of the culture for the innovation (Vinodh, Devadasan and Rajanayagam, 2006). The environment that is open and supportive is effective for the innovation and is the basis of the successful innovation and the recognition and growth of the employees that well contributed to the success of the company. This innovative culture can help in the growth of both an employee and the company. Hence the Fair Deal Company should provide the culture that is helpful in the innovation and promotes the success of the company and the employees both. The company should create an open and supportive environment that will support the success of the innovation process (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). If the innovation process expands the sale of the product and supports the growth of the company, the employees that have a major contribution in the innovation should be recognized and promoted for their contribution. This helps in the motivation of the same employee and other employees also. Hence the performance of the company and its innovation process leads to the success of the company and survie in the competitive world. Conclusion In this report, the fair deal wants to innovate its personal product by providing attractive packaging that will more persons towards them and increases the sale personal care product of the Fair Deal Company. For this company will use the five steps of the innovation process that will help in the proper implementation of the innovation and assure its success. These five steps of the innovation support the proper, efficient implementation of the innovation and explore its success through the experimentation (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). Through the five steps of the innovation, the number of innovative ideas originates by the employees, from these innovative ideas the screening of the effective, innovative ideas is carried out, some of the ideas that are suitable for the current position of the company is stored in the idea library for the future, this innovative idea can help the company in the future (Nanda and Rhodes-Kropf, 2016)The experimentation of the innovation idea explores th e success of the innovation prior to implementation, hence the company can save the implementation cost if the innovation did not succeed in the experimentation. The commercialization supports to explore the market value of the product. The diffusion and implementation step increase the acceptance of the innovation by the employees of the company and makes its implementation easier. In the innovation process, the manager has an important role; he or she can create the environment that is supportive of the innovation. The manager should constantly observe the details of the innovation project. He should have clear and open communication with the employees so that the employees can know about the screening protocol of the innovative idea (O'Connor, 2003). In addition to the employees concern, the managers should take consideration of the desire of the customers. In the last, for the success of the innovation of newer packaging, the employees, and the manager of the Fair Deal Company s hould effectively follow the five-step of the innovation. References Acemoglu, D., Bimpikis, K. and Ozdaglar, A. (2011). Experimentation, Patents, and Innovation.American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 3(1), pp.37-77. Bguin, P. (2007). Taking activity into account during the design process.Activites, 04(2). Franke, N., Keinz, P. and Klausberger, K. (2013). Does This Sound Like a Fair Deal?: Antecedents and Consequences of Fairness Expectations in the Individuals Decision to Participate in Firm Innovation.Organization Science, 24(5), pp.1495-1516. Fruehauf, S., Seeger, T. and Topaly, J. (2005). Innovative strategies for PBPC mobilization.Cytotherapy, 7(5), pp.438-446. Igartua, J. and Albors, J. (2011). The implementation process of innovation management in a medium-sized company.Projectics / Proyctica / Projectique, 7(1), p.105. J Haron, A. (2016). The Role of Innovation in the Segmentation Process.J Account Mark, 05(01). Klein, E. and Dologite, D. (2000). The role of computer support tools and gender composition in innovative information system idea generation by small groups.Computers in Human Behavior, 16(2), pp.111-139. Nanda, R. and Rhodes-Kropf, M. (2016). Financing Entrepreneurial Experimentation.Innovation Policy and the Economy, 16(1), pp.1-23. O'Connor, P. (2003). Implementing a Stage-Gate Process: A Multi-Company Perspective.Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11(3), pp.183-200. Paulus, P. and Brown, V. (2007). Toward More Creative and Innovative Group Idea Generation: A Cognitive-Social-Motivational Perspective of Brainstorming.Social Pers Psych Compass, 1(1), pp.248-265. Perttula, M. and Sipil, P. (2007). The idea exposure paradigm in design idea generation.Journal of Engineering Design, 18(1), pp.93-102. Stevens, A., Johnson, G. and Sanberg, P. (2011). The Role Of Patents And Commercialization In The Tenure And Promotion Process.technol innov, 13(3), pp.241-248. Tricou, J. (2009). Innovation et exprimentation scolaires.Projet, 313(6), p.11. Vetter, R. (2014). Technology Commercialization in the Innovation Economy [Guest editor's introduction].Computer, 47(8), pp.20-21. Vinodh, S., Devadasan, S. and Rajanayagam, D. (2006). Design and implementation study of innovative total quality function deployment and its financial accounting system.IJBIR, 1(1/2), p.204.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Dilemmas of Counter-Bokoharamism Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Dilemmas of Counter-Bokoharamism. Answer: The dilemmas of counter-bokoharamism The federal government of Nigeria has faced a number of human rights dilemmas in its efforts to neutralize the effects of Boko-Haram militancy in Nigeria. The militancy has resulted to mayhem, criminal activities against humanity such killings and wanton destruction of property and the government is grappling with how best they can handle the operation to bring to an end these criminal acts of the militia while at same time observing/conforming to human rights issues. This paper will therefore give my opinion on what I will do differently and why on myriad of approaches and dilemmas the government is facing in efforts to counter the group. Between Counter Boko haram and human rights. The Nigerian federal government has largely taken military approach in countering the militia. I think the best way should have been the use of special police trained in military operation. Because military mostly fight with heavy artillery and ammunitions that will definitely spill over to civilians. The group lives within Nigeria where we have other peace loving citizens leaving within the vicinity. Therefore it is likely that when military launches attacks civilians could be the main causality because militias know how to hide women and children especially dont. So there is need for special police force that can also integrate well with civilians and attack the militia with very minimal impact to the civilians. (Sampson, 2013) Between negotiation and containment While the federal government is constantly reminded of the question How can you negotiate with terrorists? whenever it attempts to do so I think sometimes the security of the nation is more important than holding on to punishments. If the side can commit and implement agreements without giving conditions then negotiation is better way to resolving the conflicts. The federal government of Nigeria have negotiated with Niger delta before. Although this group has support with majority of the people because their issues revolve around development, equity in resource sharing and environmental while Boko haram is more of ideological advancements of sharia rule in Nigeria, the government can still negotiate with Boko haram with view of dismantling the militia, and avoid having civilian paying with their lives when the two forces are combating each other. This should however be made clear to them (Boko haram) that the government can only negotiate with them if there is no conditions while at the same time government sustaining the special police assault. (Sampson, 2013) Between Mosaic justice and amnesty/rehabilitation While it is important that people who of have killed innocent civilians are brought to book on human rights account it is also important to look at the bigger picture for the future. The boko haram can be arrested and tried and sentenced but others will also continue using human beings as shields when they are cornered or even abducting and killing others therefore its a cycle with no end. Those who killed people yesterday arraigned to court today and those who will kill people today will be arraigned to court the tomorrow, and thats real circle with no end in sight. The Nigerian government can consider extending amnesty to Boko-haram militants who will surrender and accept to be taken for rehabilitation. Not all militias are hardcore criminals I am sure there are those who will embrace this strategy and surrender because they could be tired with fighting for years on end. Between law enforcement and Judiciary Police officers accuse judicial officers of releasing arrested Boko haram members easily. The Judicial officers on the other hand the evidence brought before them were shoddy and their hand are tied they just have to follow the law. This as resulted to police arresting the militia and executing them in extra-judicial killings or sometimes holding them in cells for very long time without producing them to the court of law. I think the best way here is to retrain the police officers on collection and handling of evidence before they are produced in the court. The judicial officers also aught to collaborate with the police and sensitise them on what kind of evidence hold water for them. This would avoid scenarios where the police feel undone after working hard to arrest criminal only to be released for lack of enough evidence. The extra-judicial killings only serve to aggravate the problem more and inspire retaliatory attacks with civilians the main causality. (Sampson, 2013) References Finch, V. and McGroarty, J. (2010). Human rights. Dundee: Dundee University Press. Haugen, D. and Musser, S. (n.d.). Human rights. Human rights translated. (2008). Clayton, Vic.: Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University. Owen, N. (2010). Human rights, human wrongs. Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press. Sampson, I. (2013). The dilemmas of counter-bokoharamism : Debating state responses to Boko Haram terrorism in northern Nigeria. Security, (29), pp.122 146.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
From What I Can Remember free essay sample
If you’ve ever lost someone who was close to you, sometimes it can be hard to remember specific details about that person. Sometimes I feel like no matter how hard I try to remember things about my father, there are distinctive features I can’t seem to recall. It’s easy to forget the way he smiled, how he laughed, how he smelled, and sometimes its hard to remember the sound of his voice. Of course, it is easy to glance at a picture and recall physical features about him, but no photograph will ever be able to capture his emotions or distinctive traits that I found to be interesting about him. Some times I also find it hard to remember his physical characteristics that I loved most. There are some details that I know I will never forget. But then there are those details that slip my mind. Somehow I have found it is easier for me to remember most details about my father from when I was a little girl opposed to memories of him as I got older. We will write a custom essay sample on From What I Can Remember or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I like to reflect back and think about moments we shared together. I can recall when I was a little girl how I used to crawl up onto my father’s lap. He would sit in his big, old, black chair and bounce me up and down on his knee until one of us got tired. I would run my tiny fingers through the gray strands that sat upon his head. The contrast between his ash colored hair and mulatto complexion made me wonder why people always said I looked like him. It could have possibly been his unkept eyebrows that made an odd, black path across the top of his face. Or maybe it was because we had the same eyes. His looked like deep pools of brown honey that became inundated with salty tears on more occasions than I can recall. He would rest his face against mine. I hated the feeling and would quickly turn my head in the opposite direction. His cheeks reminded me of a rose bush. They were soft and beautiful at a glance, but if I touched it them, I was bound to get poked by one of the many prickly thorns that graced it. He had a wide nose and paper thin l ips that hid behind his salt and pepper mustache. I used to love burring my face into his neck. Time had caused it to become somewhat wrinkled and droopy but I loved the feeling more than he could ever imagine. If I sat with him for long enough, I would fall asleep with my head resting on his shoulder. My father’s long, hairy arms and tough hands would hold on to me, not wanting to let me go. His grip was strong and assured me that I wouldn’t fall, but still gentle enough not to awake me. Often times my father would compare his hands to mine. On many occasions we would examine them palm to palm, and he would tell me that mine reflected a person who had never worked a day in their life. However, his hands reminded me of a battle field full scars and imperfections that created a rather rough texture. I will never forget the smell of cigarette smoke and Old Spice that was buried deep in his clothing. As I would pretend to be fast asleep, I would relax my head against his chest. I liked the settle way it moved up and down as he would breath. Occasionally he would let out a cough, which forced me to change positions once again. Now my long legs seemed to be flung across the arm rest of his chair, while the rest of my body stretched across his stomach. My father was never a hefty man, but he always seemed to have a slight pot-belly. It would always make strange noises that I never understood. I definitely imagined it having a mind of its own and never caring who heard it speak. When he could no longer sit there and be entertained by what was on the television screen, he would awaken me and tell me it was time to go to bed. I would lay there for a minute, pretending like I was in a deep sleep and couldn’t hear him. But no matter how long I would lie there, he would never end up carrying me to my room and tucking me into bed. He always made me walk. Still pretending to be in a deep sleep, I would stand up and wait until he did the same so I could follow him to my room. He rose slowly and was extremely taller than he appeared to be sitting down. His old age made it obvious that he could no longer stand as upright as he did before, but none the less he still stood tall. As I followed slowly behind him, my eye level was about the same height as his waist. Most times he wore cut off blue jeans that revealed two pencil thin legs. From his thighs to his ankles the size didn’t seem to change. Attached to his skinny ankles were two size ten feet that s eemed to disappear into his socks and shoes. He moved like molasses, never in a hurry for anybody. He was extremely slew footed, making each step look more awkward than the last, but yet no walk suited him better. Once we reached my room, I would climb in bed and fall fast asleep, never remembering anything after that. My father and I spent many nights going through this same routine, but as I became older, things apparently changed. Now that he has passed on, I try my hardest to make sure that the memories I do have stay steady in my mind, and don’t disappear as time passes. What I do remember will stay with me, and I will cherish it forever.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
3 Types of Sexual Life Cycles - Evolution
3 Types of Sexual Life Cycles - Evolution One of the properties of life is the ability to reproduce to create offspring that can carry on the genetics of the parent or parents to the following generations. Living organisms can accomplish this by reproducing in one of two ways. Some species use asexual reproduction to make offspring, while others reproduce using sexual reproduction. While each mechanism has its pros and its cons, whether or not a parent needs a partner to reproduce or it can make offspring on its own are both valid ways to carry on the species. Different kinds of eukaryotic organisms that undergo sexual reproduction have different types of sexual life cycles. These life cycles determine how the organism will not only make its offspring but also how the cells within the multicellular organism will reproduce themselves. The sexual life cycle determines how many sets of chromosomes each cell in the organism will have. Diplontic Life Cycle A diploid cell is a type of eukaryotic cell that has 2 sets of chromosomes. Usually, these sets are a genetic mixture of both the male and female parent. One set of the chromosomes comes from the mother and one set comes from the father. This allows a nice mixture of the genetics of both parents and increases diversity of traits in the gene pool for natural selection to work on. In a diplontic life cycle, the majority of the organisms life is spent with most of the cells in the body being diploid. The only cells that have half the number of chromosomes, or are haploid, are the gametes (sex cells). Most organisms that have a diplontic life cycle start from the fusion of two haploid gametes. One of the gametes comes from a female and the other from the male. This coming together of the sex cells creates a diploid cell called a zygote. Since the diplontic life cycle keeps most of the body cells as diploid, mitosis can happen to split the zygote and continue splitting future generations of cells. Before mitosis can happen, the cells DNA is duplicated to make sure the daughter cells have two full sets of chromosomes that are identical to each other. The only haploid cells that happen during a diplontic life cycle are gametes. Therefore, mitosis cannot be used to make the gametes. Instead, the process of meiosis is what creates the haploid gametes from the diploid cells in the body. This ensures that the gametes will have only one set of chromosomes, so when they fuse again during sexual reproduction, the resulting zygote will have the two sets of chromosomes of a normal diploid cell. Most animals, including humans, have a diplontic sexual life cycle. Haplontic Life Cycle Cells that spend the majority of their lives in a haploid phase are considered to have a haplontic sexual life cycle. In fact, organisms that have a haplontic life cycle are only composed of a diploid cell when they are zygotes. Just like in the diplontic life cycle, a haploid gamete from a female and a haploid gamete from a male will fuse to make a diploid zygote. However, that is the only diploid cell in the entire haplontic life cycle. The zygote undergoes meiosis at its first division to create daughter cells that have half the number of chromosomes compared to the zygote. After that division, all of the now haploid cells in the organism undergo mitosis in future cell divisions to create more haploid cells. This continues on for the organisms entire life cycle. When it is time to sexually reproduce, the gametes are already haploid and can just fuse with another organisms haploid gamete to form the zygote of the offspring. Examples of organisms that live a haplontic sexual life cycle include fungi, some protists, and some plants. Alternation of Generations The final type of sexual life cycle is a kind of mix of the two previous types. Called alternation of generations, the organism spends about half of its life in a haplontic life cycle and the other half of its life in a diplontic life cycle. Like the haplontic and diplontic life cycles, organisms that have an alternation of generations sexual life cycle begin life as a diploid zygote formed from the fusion of haploid gametes from a male and a female. The zygote can then either undergo mitosis and enter its diploid phase, or perform meiosis and become haploid cells. The resulting diploid cells are called sporophytes and the haploid cells are called gametophytes. The cells will continue to do mitosis and split in whichever phase they enter and create more cells for growth and repair. Gametophytes can then once again fuse to become a diploid zygote of the offspring. Most plants live the alternation of generations sexual life cycle.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Turner Syndrome Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Turner Syndrome - Research Paper Example The condition has various symptoms, some of which are physical while the rest are biological (American Psychiatric Association, 2004). Physical symptoms include swollen broad necks, webbed necks, and reduced hair line, hanging ears and swollen eyes among others. Biological symptoms are irregular or no menstrual cycle. The condition could further to certain complications like heart diseases, impaired vision and hearing, diabetes and thyroid complications among others. This discourse is about turner syndrome, explaining its causes, symptoms and diagnosis among other relevant subjects. Causes Turner syndrome arises from absence or abnormalities of the x chromosomes in part or whole of the cells. A normal girl should have two x chromosomes inherited from both the male and female parents (Bondy, 2009). However, one of the x chromosomes may be affected or missing in the sex cells rising to turner syndrome. Abnormalities of the x chromosomes could rise from mosaicism, a condition resulting from inappropriate cell division in the early days or stages of fetal developments (Bondy, 2009). This may cause variations in the cells composition, with some having two x chromosomes while others having only one X chromosome (Bondy, 2009). Furthermore, a cell may have both complete and faulty X chromosome. Monosomy is another factor causing the condition and here the victim lacks one of the X chromosomes, due to complications in the father’s sperms or mother’s eggs (Bondy, 2009). Turner syndrome could also result from Y chromosome material, a condition where a female have cells with one complete X chromosome while other cells have X chromosome and Y chromosome material (Morgan, 2007). Apart from turner chromosome, chromosomal errors could lead to ovarian complications, short body structures and gonadoblastoma among others (Bondy, 2009). Signs and syndrome Turner syndrome has various signs and symptoms and this include swollen limps (hands and feet), low or reduced ha ir line, broad chest, obesity, lack of menstrual period, smaller finger nails, webbed or broadened neck, visual and hearing impairments, smaller hips when compared with the waist, low memory and concentrations, majorly in children and adolescents, difficulties in learning developments, drooping eyelids , smaller or receding lower jaw, upward turned fingernails, delayed growth, sensitivity to noise, broader chest with wide spaced nipples, and social withdrawal among others (Fink & Taylor, 2008). However, it is important to note that different patients or victims exhibit different symptoms depending on their body systems (Fink & Taylor, 2008). The signs and symptoms may change as the patient develops, for instance, older girls and young women may experience poor sexual developments or even inability to conceive, lack of menstrual cycles, even in the absence of pregnancy, difficulty to get along with peers, difficulty in learning spatial and math concepts and abnormal height of even 20 centimeters (Fink & Taylor, 2008). Parents are greatly advised tom take keen monitor of their daughters at early development stages and should any of the signs be noted, prompt diagnosis and care should be initiated (Morgan, T. (2007). Exams and Tests Turner syndrome could be diagnosed through testing the patients’ amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) as a prenatal procedure. The procedure helps deal with the chromosomal abnormalities and the fetal infections
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Concert Report of Gentleman's Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Concert Report of Gentleman's Rule - Essay Example Because the program was organized in the evening, lighting was an important and integral part. There was sufficient lighting to make everything visible. The lighting system was also used as a decorative system as there were combination of different forms and types of lights in different switches and rhythms so synchronize with the music that was being done. Again, because there was a conscious effort to ensuring that fans and all other stakeholders within the premises of the theatre did not have problem with visuals, there was create visibility with the lighting system that was provided. It was the stage itself that did not have much light due to technical reasons such as concentrating the light only on people of whom the technical themes wanted attention to go to at a point in time. On the issue of ease of movement by patrons of the concert, particularly the fans, it would be said that even though the Royal George Theatre is a very sizeable place, for some reasons, it could not guar antee patrons of the program much movement. The problem was not due to that natural size of the auditorium but due to the fact that the songs that were done where danceable tunes, of which most fans wanted more and more space to shake themselves off with the music. Accessibility for people with disability would however be approached with a different tone noting that so much room was made for these people to have accessibility. There was actually a whole floor on the storey row that was preserved for people with disability. This was a step in the right direction as this floor was well fitted with accessible gadgets for the people with disability. Sound levels were perfect from a technical view point as organizers and the sound theme ensured that there was perfect harmony in the production and release of sound. There was virtually no instrument in the room, whose sound level was swallowed by the other and this contributed to the harmony in sound production and sound levels (Graves et al, 2002). But as expected, the voices of the fans swallowed the sound from the stage on some occasions, especially in cases where well known tunes were being played. In sum, it would be said that the venue of the concert was very comfortable in terms of sound and lighting but not so much comfortable for people who really were bent on using their dancing shows to the fullest. This is because the concert was organized to take a more diplomatic form whereby the fans would be passive rather than active participants. Performers The main performers for the show were the Gentleman’s Rule. These are a group of young and talented ten (10) male singers and composers (Gardner, 2006). The area of specialization of these singers is mainly acapella. On stage that night, the clothing of all 10 was something that deserves commendation. This is because the clothing was designed to give unique identities to these performers. For example they were dressed according to their vocal roles in the group with the led singer having what has come to be known as the Michael Jackson hand band. Light skinned clothes that would not make them produce so much sweat. The shirts were short sleeved to allow for aeration and the trousers were certainly made of cotton to absorb liquid well. The actions performed by the singers on stage often changed with the mode of the song being delivered. But the organization of the songs was done so well that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics Essay
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics - Essay Example In Euros this would amount to 100,000/1.4950=66889.63. The ask rate is being used because the buyer of the share would first sell the Euros in the American market to get a 100,000 dollars to buy the shares. b) If you sell the shares you would receive 110,000 in USD. The buying rate would be used because the seller would have to buy the Euros from the market after selling in dollars. Therefore they would receive 110,000/1.4550 = 75601.37 Euros c) The cost of the broker when buying the shares= 100,000 *0.2%= 200 In Euros this cost would be 200/1.4950=133.77 Cost in Dollars = 100200 Cost in Euros =67023.409 Cost of the broker commission when selling the shares= 110,000 * 0.2%= 220 In Euros this cost would be= 220/1.4550=151,20, as the investor would buy from Dollars to pay the commission. The total proceeds would be 109,780 USD and 75752.58 Euro. 2 You are the manager of an American pension fund and decide, on January 5, to buy ten thousand shares of British Airways listed in London. Yo u sell them on February 5. Here are the quotes that you can use: January 5 British Airways share price (?): Buying = 3.50 and selling = 3.52 Exchange rate (dollars per pound): Buying =1.5000 and selling = 1.5040 February 5 British Airways share price (?): Buying = 3.81 and selling 3.83 Exchange rate (dollars per pound): Buying =1.4500 and selling = 1.4540 You must pay the U.K. broker a commission of 0.2% of the transaction value (on the purchase and on the sale). (a) What is your sterling rate of return on the operation? (b) What is your dollar rate of return on the operation? Answers: Buying Cost in Pounds: 3.5 *10,000 = 35000 ? Buying Cost in USD: 35,000 *1.5= 52500 USD Commission on Purchase: 35000*0.2%=70? Commission on Purchase USD= 70 * 1.5= 105 Sale Proceeds in Pounds: 3.83*10,000= 38,300 ? Proceeds in USD: 38,300 * 1.4540 = 55688.2 Commissions on Sale : 38,300 * 0.02% = 76.8 ? Commission on Sale in USD: 76.8 *1.4540= 111.37 a) Sterling rate of return Total Investment : 35000 + 70= 35070? Total proceeds: 38300-76.8= 38376.8 Profit= 3306.8 Return= 9.429% b) Dollar Rate of return Investment in dollars: 52500+105=52605 Total Proceeds in USD: 55688-111.37= 55576.63 Profit in USD: 2971.63 Return: 5.648% 3 You are a U.S. investor and wish to buy ten thousand shares of Club Mediterranee (â€Å"Club Med†). You can buy them either in Paris or in London. You ask the brokers to quote you net prices (no commissions paid). There are no taxes on foreign shares listed in London. Here are the quotes: London (in ? per share): Buying at 56.75 and selling at 58.125 Paris (in â‚ ¬ per share) Buying at 78 ? and selling at 78 ? The exchange rates are: Dollars per pound: buying = 1.9450 and selling = 1.9950 Dollars per euro: buying = 1.4850 and selling = 1.4855 What is your total dollar cost if you buy the Club Med shares at the cheaper place? Answers: If you buy the shares in London: 10,000 * 58.125 = 581250 ? If you buy the shares in Paris: 10,000 * 78. 75=787500 à ¢â€š ¬ Cost in Dollars in London Purchase= 581,250 * 1.9450=11,30,531 USD would be required. The buying price is used because investor would first sell dollars to get the pounds to buy the shares. Cost in USD of Paris Purchase: 787500*1.4850=1169437.5 USD The cheaper price to buy the shares would be 11, 30,531 USD. 4 Assume the following quotes: ii Mexican peso/USD 9.3850 –
Friday, November 15, 2019
Contracting Considerations Of A Tour Operator Tourism Essay
Contracting Considerations Of A Tour Operator Tourism Essay This report will consider the contracting considerations of a small to medium sized tour operator in relation to providing a report based holiday experience for a clientele from socio-economic bands A and B. The report will consider two key elements namely in the form of accommodation and other services in the resort and transportation of an appropriate type to and from the resort. In considering a possible solution to providing accommodation for the companys guests there are a number of options open to the small to medium sized tour operator. At the one end of the spectrum the tour operator could consider an option of direct investment. Such an option would see the tour operator investing in hotels and accommodation facilities which at the end of the investment the company would own the facilities which could be used for both its own guests and for the purpose of renting out accommodation to other tour operators which capacity allows for such an options (Holloway et al 2009). However, such an option in the circumstances is an unlikely option for the specific company in question. In the first instance the option is an expensive one, investment in hotel and accommodation facilities can cost millions in there initial investment or more, this may be an unsuitable or even unrealisable option for a small to medium enterprise. Secondly, the corporate objectives of the company are to minimise risks, direct investment however, may be seen as a considerably risky option for several reasons. In the first case once established, the company will have long term fixed costs to meet over a prolonged period of time, such a problem is not incurred where a contract based option is undertaken and thus the liability to meet expenses is limited to the agreed contract period which could be as short as a single season or less. Secondly, long term investment an overseas location also implies taking on the national risk which are associated with international trade including exposure to currency fluctuations, interest rates and changes in demand from the consumer perspective (Griffin and Pustay 2010). Again, where a contracting option is considered such exposures whilst still present are limited to a much shorter period of time and thus to a large extent offset. A more realistic option for the company in question may be to consider one of the many contracting options which are available, such contracting options are also wide and varied in nature and include both direct and indirect contracts with accommodation providers as well as a variety of options with regard to the length contracts undertaken (Holloway et al 2009). In the first instance, the company must select between contracting directly with accommodation providers or through the use of a third party agency (Cooper et al 2008). Negotiation directly may help the company to save money by excluding the fees of a third party however, the downside is that the company may have to deal with a large number of accommodation providers each with their own peculiarities and unique circumstances. On the other hand, the company could opt to use another intermediary who will undertake such sub-contracting on the behalf of the tour operator, for the tour operator this reduces complexity in the contracting process in that the tour operator now has only a single point of contact (Holloway et al 2009). However, on the downside the tour operator will now incur additional costs from the fees levied from a third party, in addition the tour operator will also lose a degree of control over the accommodation which is to be provided and arranged by the third party. T his may have an impact upon the tour operator whos clientele falls with the A and B social bands and so have very specific requirements in relation to their individual accommodation needs in comparison to other segments of the market. The next consideration from a contracting point of view is to consider the length and level of commitment in contracting options. Again the tour operator is presented with a wide range of options, at the lowest level of commitment end of the spectrum the tour operator can simply book rooms with accommodation provider in reference to specific levels of demand experienced, such an option means that costs are kept to a minimum and risks from contractual obligations are virtually eliminated (Cooper et al 2008). There is however, an additional risk incurring in that whilst the tour operators liabilities are minimised so are those of the accommodation providers, in short should the tour operator experience a surge in demand and the accommodation providers be unable to meet such a demand do to market forces, the tour operator may be left either having to disappoint customers or have to pay premium prices in order to satisfy the demand. At the other end of the spectrum the tour operator could contract to buy a set number of rooms or even entire hotels for a specific period of time (Holloway et al 2009). In such a case the advantage is that the tour operator has a guaranteed level of availability in a given hotel or resort and thus the risks of not being able to meet demand are off set given that the tour operator has a fixed capacity which it may use as it sees fit. The other major advantage is one of cost linked to economies of scale (Johnson et al 2008), by undertaking longer contracts that purchasing rooms at the spot rate, the tour operator stands to benefit from substantial bulk purchasing discounts as rooms and accommodations purchased over a long period come at a much reduced cost in comparison to shorter periods of hire. However, in such a circumstance the company also incurs some additional risks. Now that the company has entered into a contract for a fixed amount of accommodation the tour operator also has the obligation to pay for the rooms and so needs to be able to fill the accommodation to as close to full capacity as possible throughout the year (Holloway et al 2009). In reality this may mean offering significant discounts at certain part of the year so as to attract enough custom to fill the accommodation, alternatively the tour operator could forego full utilisation however, the contract would see the tour operator still having to pay for the accommodation which has been rented in advance. In addition to accommodation, there are other elements of the resort experience which the tour operator may wish to consider contracting out to third party providers. Key elements include the provision catering services, onsite entertainment and other forms of entertainment and added value services such as tours and excursions of sites of local interest to the clientele of the resort (Singh 2006). From a transportation perspective, the use of scheduled flights has become one of the most important ways travel operators have been able to take advantage of both the flexibility and speed of air travel as part of the holiday package (Holloway et al 2009). Unfortunately due to the constraints of the scenario the travel operator will have look at a number of alternative methods of getting guests to and from the proposed resort of which there are a wide number of options including alternative air transportation options as well as some more creative solutions making use of alternative modes of transport. The first and possibly most feasible option for a tour operator who can not take advantage of scheduled flights to a destination may be to consider using a charter service. Charter services offer to schedule an aircraft for the specific use of a client on a given route, charter options may include a single trip rental but more likely a charter provider will agree with a company such as a tour operator a regular schedule of flights for a season or more (Holloway et al 2009, Cooper et al 2008). There are several advantages for the tour operator if such an option is engaged in. From the passengers perspective, there is almost no difference to if the tour operator had made use of a scheduled flight, the guest will be transported to their destination on an aircraft which functions in all but the same way as one operating on a scheduled route. Secondly, a charter service operates with more flexibility than that of the scheduled flight, the tour operator can choose deviate from the time tab le which would not be an option which scheduled options and there is also flexibility of destination which may include local changes such as using an alternative airport or more radical changes changing the route of the aircraft altogether. There are however, still some drawback of the charter flight option, the main problem would be one of capacity. In the case the scheduled flight the responsibility for filling seats lies with the airline provider and the liability of the tour operator is limited to the number of seats for which they have purchased on any given flight. However, when an aircraft is chartered the cost of the charter becomes a fixed cost and the responsibility for filling seats then becomes the responsibility of the charterer, in this case the tour operator (Holloway et al 2009). The charter option has been a relatively successful option in recent years for tour operators, in some circumstances the model has become so successful that there has become a blur in the boundaries between scheduled and chartered flights. This has been exhibited in both operational elements in that some charter flights are so regular as to almost form a scheduled service including the sale of spare capacity to additional passengers. Secondly many travel operators have sought to consolidate their positions by buying charter aircraft providers and integrating these businesses into the main business unit (Monarch 2010). If the tour operator still wishes to investigate the scheduled flight option further, there is the consideration that a multi-modal transport operation may be considered. In such a case the tour operator may consider purchasing seats to the nearest airport served by a scheduled flight and then arrange onward transport via road rail or water. In many cases this may be an unattractive option, especially where distances are significant. Such an option may become and annoyance for guests and add unnecessary costs for the tour operator. There are however, times when the option may be an appropriate one especially for the upmarket segment. Such circumstances may exist where the tour operator can incorporate the onward transport into the holiday package, this may be possible where the route from airport to resort passes through an area of outstanding natural beauty or a luxury transport option can be added such as a river cruise which serves a duel function as transport and entertainment. Air transport however, is not the only option available to a tour operator one other major option to consider is transportation via water. Water transport has largely declined in recent decades due to the rise of faster and cheaper air transport which also allows access to a wider number of destinations than water based or land routes (Holloway et al 2009). Despite the decline of the standard ocean liner as a mode of transport which is now largely confined to summer transatlantic crossings the market for other water based forms of transport has both stabilised and began to grow again in recent years. The most important development has been a rebranding of the cruise, in past times the cruise as a form of holiday had declined as a function of both poor branding and the rise of alternatives. However, significant investment on the behalf of the industry has seen the holiday rising again in popularity amongst consumers. In selecting a transportation mode suitable for a market segment in socio economic groups A and B one option may be to consider providing a hybrid holiday which takes advantage of the rise in popularity of the cruise linked to the facilities present at the destination. From a pragmatic perspective the tour operator could in effect make use of a cruise ship to transport its guests too the resort making the transport via water an essential part of the holiday package as opposed to being a way of getting to the product in the form of the resort. Once at the destination, the tour operator would have the option of providing a return journey for guests either via the same method or via an alternative such as a charter flight. The major benefit of such an option is that the tour operator would be able to offer a high value added product in which all elements of the package including transportation are considered a part of the holiday. On the downside, the small to medium size of the tour op erator would necessitate the use of a third party to provide a suitable vessel for use. This in turn would add complexity to the operation and there would naturally be a greater limitation on destinations based upon the schedules and services of third party providers as well as the natural constraints imposed by limiting transport options to water based transport. There is also a rail option open to the travel operator, this has become an option with an increased level of feasibility from the UK since the opening on the channel tunnel back in the 1990s. Whilst, rail transport provides fast and efficient transport from the UK to the major cities in Europe, the real problem with this option is one of flexibility. To a large extent destinations will be limited to the major cities within Europe and it may be considered to access to more remote destinations and resorts becomes infeasible and impractical for users of the service. In addition, the large distances and nature of the rail network means that intercontinental options will be largely off limits to a tour operator if looking to use rail as a transportation option. Given the objectives of the company which are largely to reduce risk and the consideration of flexibility the recommendation of this report are that the travel operator opts to convey its guests the resort via a chartered air service model. Such a model would see that the company does not have to risks associated with investing in expensive capital items such as aircraft or ships which would increase the risk profile of the company significantly. In addition, by using an air service the company would also maintain the element of flexibility and speed opening up a wider number of destinations than would be available through land or water based forms of transport. These are both key benefits for the companys target client group in socio economic groups A and B. There are however, still some risks associated with the charter route, whilst the company would not own any specific assets associated with the transport of passengers, the company would still have a fixed capacity of seat for w hich it would need to fill on each flight so as to keep the cost per passenger for a minimum. The risk here is that during periods of low demand the company may have to offer significant discounts in order to fill flights, this may also create a conflict with the companys generic strategy of focusing on the premium end of the market (Porter 2004, Jobber 2007).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Epic of Beowulf - The Conflicts of Beowulf Essay -- Epic Beowulf essa
The Conflicts of Beowulf            George Clark in â€Å"The Hero and the Theme†make reference to an interior conflict within the Beowulf hero himself, and how the hero appears to lose this conflict:  Although a strong critical movement followed Klaeber in taking Beowulf as a Christian hero or even Christ figure, the most numerous and influential body of postwar critics, including Margaret Goldsmith (1960, 1962, 1970), read the poem as faulting the hero for moral filures according to one or another Christian standard of judgment (see also Bolton 1978). The poem became a neo-Aritotelian tragedy in which the hero’s flaw could be identified as a sin, greed, or pride (279).  The conflicts of Beowulf are both external and internal, and are quite numerous. Conflict is how one describes the relationship between the protagonist and antagonist in a literary work (Abrams 225). There is also another type of conflict which Clark describes above and which takes place within the mind and soul of a given character.  H. L. Rogers in â€Å"Beowulf’s Three Great Fights†expresses his opinion as a literary critic regarding conflicts in the poem:  The superhuman forces are Fate, the heathen gods, or the Christian God; conflicts between them and the hero’s character are frequently found. . . .The treatment in the three great fights of the motives of weapons, treasure and society implies a moral idea in which the poet believed: that a man should not trust in the things of this world, for they will fail him. Another aspect of this idea comes out clearly in the account of the first fight: that a man should trust rather in God and in the natural powers God gives him, for these will not fail him(234-37).  Kin... The Harvard Classics, Volume 49. P.F. Collier & Son, 1910. Translated by Francis B. Gummere.  George Clark in â€Å"The Hero and the Theme†In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska: Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997.  Clover, Carol F. â€Å"The Unferth Episode.†In The Beowulf Reader, edited by Peter S. Baker. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000.  Ogilvy, J.D.A. and Donald C. Baker. â€Å"Beowulf’s Heroic Death.†In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,1998. Clark, George. Beowulf. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990.  Rogers, H. L. â€Å"Beowulf’s Three Great Fights.†In An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963.  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marketing and the Fast Food Industry Essay
The ultimate themes of fast food chains are high visibility and global recognition. The earliest establishments, ostentatiously designed in an attempt to attract attention, were strategically placed alongside highway off-ramps in order to draw in customers. Simplistic logos, such as the legendary golden arches, began to bring recognition to the fast food chains. The fast food industry’s ability to sell convenience and taste then allowed the popularity of fast food to gain momentum. Eric Schlosser, the author of Fast Food Nation, explores the various tactics used by the industry in order to achieve global recognition, target children, and why it is more productive to reach children than to target other age groups. One method used to achieve global recognition was to apply the concept of synergy. Synergy can be defined as the cooperation between two or more organizations to produce results greater than the sum of their separate effects. In simplistic terms, two or more companies combine forces in order to benefit themselves more than they could have done individually. Two companies who have effectively utilized this concept are the Walt Disney company and the McDonald corporation. They were able to propose marketing deals, provide giveaways, and swap executives amongst their companies. The cross promotion strengthened ties between Hollywood and the fast food industry, allowing the McDonald corporation to gain global recognition. Studies show that children have an easier time identifying characters such as Ronald McDonald than major political figures such as the president of the United States. Half of Australian nine and ten year olds thought that Ronald McDonald was an authority on what they should eat. In Beijing, all of the primary school children recognized Ronald McDonald, saying that he ‘understood their hearts’. Germany has more than one thousand McDonalds, many popping up inside of Wal-Marts, because they know lots of children get lugged to Wal-Mart every day. (Schlosser 231). The McDonald corporation had accomplished its goals to reach ‘global realization’, and this achievement paved the way to pursue early targeting. Children became the target group within advertisement, â€Å"the decade of the child consumer†(Schlosser 43). In order to exploit children effectively, focus groups were created solely for the purpose of finding effecting means of targeting ads towards children and collecting demographic information. â€Å"89% requested personal information from kids†through the internet and most children supplied it without parental consent (Schlosser 45). Soon, products such as Coca- Cola and Dr. Pepper were marketed to schools and fast food advertisements were littered throughout the education system. Advertisements were placed on school buses, in school newspapers, written on stadium banners, and announcements were made over the stadium’s public-address system during games (Schlosser 51). Children were not only faced with these ads during their time period at school, but at home too. The media played a huge role in promoting fast food. Television commercials, the internet, and the radio were employed to â€Å"get kids to nag their parents and nag them well†(Schlosser 43). The adults set out to prey on children’s immaturity and to â€Å"exploit their present- mindedness†(Schlosser 46). Unsurprisingly, fast food companies became recognizable household trademarks. Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, and McDonald’s renowned golden arches are a few of the most identifiable symbols today. Companies believed that by propagandizing children at an early age, they would influence the children to remain loyal customers to their company. This leads to ask why marketing to children is the most worthwhile tactic. Foremost, children are impressionable. According to Consumer Reports magazine, young children have difficulty distinguishing between advertising and reality in ads, and ads can distort their view of the world. â€Å"Children are still establishing their tastes and habits†, making them ideal customers because they have many years of purchasing ahead of them (Schlosser 54). â€Å"America’s fast food culture has become indistinguishable from the popular culture of its children†(Schlosser 48). The coalition of the fast food and entertainment industry allowed fast food companies to market toys based on current trends in entertainment. â€Å"The key to attracting kids is toys, toys, toys†(Schlosser 47). In return, the entertainment industry promoted their current trend. Children’s identities should not be defined by their consumer habits. Yet, that is the main way their are portrayed in the media– as consumers. Children were also described as â€Å"surrogate salesmen†(Schlosser 43). Schlosser explains that children need to persuade others in order to get what they want which again, gets kids to â€Å"nag their parents and nag them well†(Schlosser 43). As an incentive to get children to want to eat at their restaurants, the McDonald corporation created playlands in their establishments based off of Disney’s theme park, Disneyworld. â€Å"Playlands bring in children, who bring in parents, who bring in money†(Schlosser 47). Since children need to be accompanied in order for them to get what they want, more customers, such as parents and siblings of the child, are brought into the company as well, thereby benefiting the company. Schlosser argues that the fast food industry’s marketing tactics aim to achieve global recognition, victimize children, and explains the importance behind targeting children. He portrays children as naive individuals who are drawn into fast food through the fast food industry’s strategic efforts, and in most cases, they are. Children are bribed with playplaces, toys, cartoons, movies, and videos, and are reached through contests, sweepstakes, games, clubs, and the media. Schlosser questions the ethic and moral values of the advertisers in the fast food industry for feeding off of the children’s naivety. However, children, susceptible to the world of advertisement around them, continuously fall prey to the marketing industry.
Friday, November 8, 2019
1000 Posts, And A Favor To Ask
1000 Posts, And A Favor To Ask 1000 Posts, And A Favor To Ask 1000 Posts, And A Favor To Ask By Daniel Scocco Last week I was browsing through the control panel of our blog and I noticed a curious fact: we are already over 1000 published posts! To be precise, this one is post number 1011. I was pleasantly surprised to find that out. The main challenge of any blog or website is to persist over the long term, as the first year is probably the hardest. We managed to do that, and the blog is going quite well. We receive around 250,000 unique visitors every month. On top of that there are over 30,000 subscribers who receive our posts via email or RSS. If you are one of those visitors or subscribers, thank you! I also wanted to ask a favor. If you like our tips and think that other people could benefit from them, we would love if you could recommend the blog. If you have a blog or website of your own, for instance, you could write about Daily Writing Tips there. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, you could share our link there. You could even recommend us verbally to friends and relatives. We would really appreciate it, and this kind of support keeps us motivated to improve the blog and provide as much value as possible through our posts. We have some good things planned for 2010, so stay tuned! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About HandsDawned vs. Donned1,462 Basic Plot Types
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cilia and Flagella Function
Cilia and Flagella Function What Are Cilia and Flagella? Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain structures known as cilia and flagella. These extensions from the cell surface aid in cell movement. They also help to move substances around cells and direct the flow of substances along tracts. Cilia and flagella are formed from specialized groupings of microtubules called basal bodies. If the protrusions are short and numerous they are termed cilia. If they are longer and less numerous (usually only one or two) they are termed flagella. What Are Their Distinguishing Characteristics? Cilia and flagella have a core composed of microtubules that are connected to the plasma membrane and arranged in what is known as a 9 2 pattern. The pattern is so named because it consists of a ring of nine microtubule paired sets (doublets) that encircle two singular microtubules. This microtubule bundle in a 9 2 arrangement is called an axoneme. The base of cilia and flagella is connected to the cell by modified centriole structures called basal bodies. Movement is produced when the nine paired microtubule sets of the axoneme slide against one another causing cilia and flagella to bend. The motor protein dynein is responsible for generating the force required for movement. This type of organization is found in most eukaryotic cilia and flagella. What Is Their Function? The primary function of cilia and flagella is movement. They are the means by which many microscopic unicellular and multicellular organisms move from place to place. Many of these organisms are found in aqueous environments, where they are propelled along by the beating of cilia or the whip-like action of flagella. Protists and bacteria, for example, use these structures to move toward a stimulus (food, light), away from a stimulus (toxin), or to maintain their position in a general location. In higher organisms, cilia is often used to propel substances in a desired direction. Some cilia, however, do not function in movement but in sensing. Primary cilia, found in some organs and vessels, can sense changes in environmental conditions. Cells lining the walls of blood vessels exemplify this function. The primary cilia in blood vessel endothelial cells monitor the force of blood flow through the vessels. Where Can Cilia and Flagella Be Found? Both cilia and flagella are found in numerous types of cells. For instance, the sperm of many animals, algae, and even ferns have flagella. Prokaryotic organisms may also possess a single flagellum or more. A bacterium, for example, may have: one flagellum located at one end of the cell (montrichous), one or more flagella located at both ends of the cell (amphitrichous), several flagella at one end of the cell (lophotrichous), or flagella distributed all around the cell (peritrichous). Cilia can be found in areas such as the respiratory tract and female reproductive tract. In the respiratory tract, cilia helps to sweep mucus containing dust, germs, pollen, and other debris away from the lungs. In the female reproductive tract, cilia helps to sweep sperm in the direction of the uterus. More Cell Structures Cilia and flagella are two of the many types of internal and external cell structures. Other cell structures and organelles include: Cell Membrane: This outer membrane of eukaryotic cells protects the integrity of the interior of the cell.Cytoskeleton: The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that forms the internal infrastructure of the cell.Nucleus: Cell growth and reproduction are controlled by the nucleus.Ribosomes: Ribosomes are RNA and protein complexes that are responsible for protein production via translation.Mitochondria: These organelles provide energy for the cell.Endoplasmic Reticulum: Formed by the infolding of the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids.Golgi Complex: This organelle manufactures, stores, and ships certain cellular products.Lysosomes: Lysosomes are sacs of enzymes that digest cellular macromolecules.Peroxisomes: These organelles help to detoxify alcohol, form bile acid, and use oxygen to break down fats. Sources: Boselli, Francesco, et al. â€Å"A quantitative approach to study endothelial cilia bending stiffness during blood flow mechanodetection in vivo.†Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 127, Elsevier Academic Press, 7 Mar. 2015,, H, et al. â€Å"Cilia and Flagella: Structure and Movement.†Molecular Cell Biology, 4th ed., W. H. Freeman, 2000,
Sunday, November 3, 2019
WMD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
WMD - Research Paper Example Some scholars of the world have often referred to the disease as ‘rabbit fever’. The disease is less contagious hence not communicable and individuals can only contract the disease upon breathing in the dust that is contaminated with the Francisella tularensis virus, drinking water or eating food contaminated with the virus, being bitten by an insect that is infected with the disease and touching the wounds, hair, skin of both the infected animals and human beings. The Department of Health and Human services (HHS), Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH) as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation would adequately respond to the Francisella tularensis virus release situation since it is a bioterrorist event. The local law enforcing agencies as well as the Texas Health Department would also play a significant role in containing the incidence. At this juncture, the different health agencies will work towards minimizing the number of casualties by all means possible. The emergency response system in Texas would be fully tasked and resources fully committed. The Texas Health Department (THD), health care physicians and other medical practitioners would work for long hours to try and contain this situation. Resources within the Texas hospitals in this regard would be strained and eventually drained. Chen is a medical chief at Harborview Medical Center and also an associate professor in the University of Washington. Hickner is a professor of Family Clinical medicine and a Head of Department in the University Of Illinois College Of Medicine. Dr. Fink is a physician practicing family medicine. Calligher is one of the best research consultants in America while Dr Helen is the vice president of National Quality Forum (NQF). The main aim of this article was to establish the nature of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ecology - Essay Example What they thought was to stop using the things that an urban family would use every day. While this may sound not so difficult in the context of suburb or rural living, the sternest of problems is the fact that the Beavan Family lives in the super metropolitan of New York. You can simply imagine how it would be like waking up in every morning not allowed to use toothpaste or a shampoo. But that is just less of what Colin Beavan cemented as a commitment: he intended to reduce his personal impact to the environment for one year by practicing vegan diet, purchasing locally-produced foods, turning off the refrigerator, no elevators, no cars, no buses, or no airplanes, not using products that contain environmentally-detrimental contents, no electricity, no material consumption, and no garbage. For a skeptic, this is a complete delusion that has gone overboard but for Colin, this is just one way to protect and save the environment for the generations to come. Although the caption of the do cumentary absolutely waxed lyrical the many eyes of the witnessing populace, it was likewise devaluing, reducing the impact of Beavan’s experiment into a mere marketing publicity-stunt that points towards selling albums or books. For cynically-inclined observers, Beavan’s endeavor may just fall under the futile category; although, that is primary due to the fact that it is a lot simpler to presume the pits and most horrible upshots – it necessities slightest contemplation. No Impact Man would really make cynics doubt about the contrived nooks and crannies as the main cause of coming up with the documentary: (1) it is possible that Beavan is using the documentary in order to advertise books. In any case, he is a writer and quite a prolific one at that; or (2) it is also possible that Beavan is trying to increase the people’s awareness of what the humanity can do in order to save the planet. However, if you would enable yourself to surpass your individual d isbelief and doubt about the purpose of the documentary, you might be amazed by the extraordinary undertaking involved in the documentary. Whether it is some sort of a publicity stunt or whatever, Beavan’s experimentation to an incredibly carbon-reduced path for quite a long period of time (one year is long for such an activity) in a highly urbanized zone while nurturing a two year old child – is a sincere and honorable effort; and considering the fact that this experiment is causing too much dilemma on his wife, Michelle, a writer for Businessweek – it is also a valiant one. What is very impressing about Beavan’s experimentation is that he is not the kind of person so used to â€Å"simple living†nor he is an environmental activist; he is actually a city man living in the realms of the influential New York City but still able to adapt to the kind of life that early Americans have lived while maintaining his location. He never moved from New York; he stayed in New York. And with the most challenging circumstances of not being able to take advantage of the conveniences of a city life, that is more than just a challenge; it is a complete horror. That partly explains why Beavan’s experimentation was one-of-a-kind and extremely praiseworthy. Beavan and his wife precluded from using PUVs so for a year, they were allergic of cabs, trams, and trains. They
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What Caused World War 2 and Why Did the US Become Involved in It Research Paper - 1
What Caused World War 2 and Why Did the US Become Involved in It - Research Paper Example The Weimar Germany steamed trouble that drove towards the Second World War. The treaty received a lot of dissatisfaction claims from the Germans included the loss of part of its territories and the tribute that the Germans had to pay as reparations for the war effects. Besides this reason, the Italian fascism of the 1920s, the Japanese military development, the attack on China in 1930s and the Nazis take overinclusive with Adolf Hitler all point to the Second World War. In 1933 after Hitler and his Nazi fellows had taken over power, the grievances of the Germans over the lost war became apparent with the demands raised as part of the Nazi ideology. The demands proved more ambitious and included the uniting of the German community in one nation and the demand that led to the acquisition of space commonly referred to as â€Å"living space†. The living space used as a way of cleaning the country. Through it, the Germans gained access to the East and colonized the territories he found. The actions of the Nazis created tensions in the other states through these ideologies developed. Then started the colonization effects with Italy claiming over Ethiopia, Japan over Manchuria in the year 1931 and its avid entry into China in 1937 and the Germans rearmament and remilitarization of the Rhine lands at around 1936. The Germans went further to divide the Eastern part of Europe into a Nazi and the Soviet areas each with different levels of influence. The Danzig crisis followed that triggered the war in Europe at around 1939. In addition, competition for resources played a role in creating the Second World War.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Community College Essay Example for Free
Community College Essay After graduating high school a lot of people do not know what their next step in life will be. Some struggle between deciding to go straight into the workforce, joining the military, or continuing their education by going to college. The average person chooses college as their next step. A common issue about going to college is whether to go to a two-year college/community college or straight into a four-year university. I think community college is the smarter and better choice. People fail to realize that going to community college helps you save thousands of dollars. Not only that, but students with undecided majors better find their way while saving money at community colleges. They are very flexible and can provide students with a better transition from high school while benefiting from their smaller class sizes and campuses. As we all know, community college is cheaper to attend than a four-year university. Four-year universities cost thousands of dollars while attending a community college would cost less than half of that. For instance, the average cost of attendance at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is roughly 5,000 dollars per year for a freshman, compared to the cost of attendance at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) which is about 25,000 dollars a year for freshmen. The cost of attending VCU is fives times as much as attending NOVA where in retrospect the same material is being covered. To break it down, tuition and fees at VCU amount to about 12,000 dollars. One credit costs about 300 dollars while at NOVA a credit costs 150 dollars. Room and board would be 9,000 dollars at VCU, while going to NOVA in most cases you would not have to pay to live at home if you are a freshman. Books would still be around the same price because books in college are expensive regardless. Other expenses would vary depending on what a student would need. Looking back on it the cost of going to a community college saves you a tremendous amount of money and would be worth it in the long run. Growing up people would talk about community college as if it were basically the thirteenth grade. In a sense would not that benefit a student more? Classes at four-year universities can sometimes be overwhelming, having hundreds of students in one lecture class. With classes getting hard from the transition of high school to college, would not a student want smaller class sizes? It only seems reasonable. By having smaller class sizes a student would naturally be able to learn better than in a class full of 300 people. Lecture classes can be long, tiring, and filled with millions of questions. In bigger classes some communication issues might occur and information might not always get to a student depending on their seating. Also the professors might not always get to a question that a student may have which can get very frustrating. Having smaller class sizes, everything is right there in front of a student. The professor is there for easier access to questions, class discussions would be more beneficial and easier to get involved with, and a person would get to know their classmates more. Smaller class sizes would help students gain a better learning experience. Many people go into college undecided on what they want their major to be. Studies prove that 50% of students who declared their majors change them after their first year according to Dr. Firtz Grupe of mymajors. com. Some students even change their majors up to three times throughout college. Going to community college can help a student find out their major while saving money. When a student changes majors there are always some complications. Some classes that were needed for their previous major have nothing to do with the current major that they just switched to. The money that was paid for those credits is, for the most part, wasted. That can be very taxing on a student’s financial income. If these problems occurred to a student who was attending a four-year college they would have wasted thousands of dollars compared to if a student changed majors at a community college. Even though money is lost in both cases, the amount of money lost at a community college is far more manageable than losing thousands of dollars at a four-year college. Think about it this way, would you rather lose 100 dollars or 10,000? Community college is a great way for students with undecided majors to discover what they want to do while not losing as much money and time. Classes at community colleges are very flexible and can help students manage their classes around other things. People who attend community colleges sometimes seek jobs while in school. One thing that could be very frustrating for a student would be having class at a time that conflicts with a work schedule. That could be a problem if a student at a four-year university had a job because not as much night classes are offered at four-year colleges. Community colleges have better options in that case. A student working a regular 9-5 schedule would find problems trying to go to school after work. At community college classes could easily be taken after work with more night classes being offered at a community college. Students can go to work then school or vice versa, go to school in the morning then work some time after without any hardships. Having flexible classes are always a benefit because they provide more options and having options are always a good thing. Community colleges provide an easier transition from the laid back high school environment to the stressful college life. As Liz Addison says, it helps students begin. High school classes are easier compared to classes in college. Grading wise and tests, quizzes, etc. Community college can help ease a student into the college atmosphere. That classes are not that much easier than that of a community college but not as hard either. It is a step up from high school in terms of difficulty and helps to better transition students into the university world. Less stress is involved and things are more manageable. Some people argue many things about community colleges. The main thing often associated with community college is commuting . People say that commuting to community college cost so much money in regards to gas. Community colleges are in your community and most of the times have ways to get you to and from school. They are called community colleges for a reason. All the money that a student would save from not going to a four-year college would cover the cost of gas easily. Also most community colleges have operating bus systems and car pooling is always an option. Another thing people try to argue about going to a community college is that a person will not gain a true college experience. Some people go through life and do not experience many things like never being on a plane, not having a dog, or even never going to a football game. That experience is not something that a student would need to have to become successful in life. The rewards of getting to where you want to be in life are far greater than not getting a full college experience. In the long run you will make up for the experiences you have missed by gaining better ones. Going to a two-year college first before transferring to a four-year university pays off in the long run. People either do not know the benefits or are two proud to attend a community college. Money is saved, the learning experience is better, the transition from high school is easier and community colleges help undeclared majors find their majors. Seems like the smart way to go.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Ozzy Osbourne :: essays research papers fc
The Prince of Darkness and Black Sabbath On December 3rd, 1948, John Michael Osbourne was born in Birmingham, England. This child would suffer many hardships throughout his life, but somehow would force himself to overcome them. This man that came to be known as Ozzy fronted the most famous classic metal bad of all time, Black Sabbath. After trying work, Ozzy moved to petty theft, and then ended up in jail. Ozzy decided to try music as a career. He began to look for bands to join and soon found one named Music Machine. Due to illness, Music Machine was in need of a singer. Ozzy filled in and was fascinated by the traveling and wild sides of the music lifestyle. Later, he joined a band called Approach, but he disliked the band and quit shortly after. Ozzy eventually formed a band with Tony Iommi as guitarist, William â€Å"Bill†Ward as drummer, and Terence â€Å"Geezer Butler†as bassist. The four musicians first called themselves Polka Tulk Blues, and then changed its name to Earth. The Band played a gig at a place called Henry’s Blueshouse(Veinotte). The upper-class people that were at the gig had been awaiting a different Earth and totally different style of music. The night was a disaster and the band knew that a new band name was in order. Geezer suggested that the band change its name to ‘Black Sabbath’, the name of a horror movie during that time. Black Sabbath got some gigs on its own, but more often the band would wait where other bands were scheduled to perform. If the scheduled band failed to show up, Black Sabbath would take their position on stage. In January 1969, they played the Star Club in Hamburg, a place made famous by The Beatles. The club booked the band for future shows after the outstanding performance. They played seven shows a day and wrote new music and lyrics as they went. Black Sabbath completed their first album and released it on Friday, February 13, 1970. The album was recorded in only eight hours with a cost of approximately $1200 in United States currency, which was very cheap for the time. During the recording, the band still lacked popularity, but just did what they enjoyed, which was sing about the gloomy side of life. At this point, the four men were having a great time and did not expect to make it very big in the music industry.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Moving Away from Home Can Be Astessful Experience for Young People
Moving away from home can be a stressful experience for young people Nowadays, many young people don’t want to live with their parents because they think if they live along, they can do whatever they want. But maybe few months later, they will find some problems that they never know how to do before because their parents always do everything for them when they are at home. At that time, they will feel stressful. However, I think it’s a good way to teach them how to live by themselves, especially for teenagers. They can’t be dependent on their parents all of their life so they have to learn many things and do many things by themselves. Moving away from home not only can be a stressful experience for young people but can also be a good way to let them learn how to become independent. The other reason that young people will feel stressful when they move away from home is they don’t know many people in the new place or even they don’t know anyone there. When they have something they can’t solve, they don’t know they can ask who or who can help them. They will feel so lonely and upset in the beginning, especially for someone who has nothing is smooth. In conclusion, moving away from home is a stressful experience for young people but also it is a helpful experience to them because they can learn many things by this kind of experience.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Automobile Safety Essay
Intro Automobiles! You just have to have one in this fast paced world! In the United States, or maybe just in a popular city such as Los Angeles or New York, automobiles are necessary. People need to move from point A to point B. These points can be as close as a few hundred feet or even range up to a few hundred miles! When making these trips safety is a priority. There are hundreds of thousands of automobiles on the roads across the nation and if safety was not considered, thousand would be injured or even killed daily! Automobile safety has come a long way over the years and as every day goes by more and more new ways are created to keep drivers, and their passengers, safe on the road. Thesis Since the automobile was first created, more and more safety precautions have been taken to make an automobile ride as safe as possible. I will provide information on how to keep you and your car up to date with some precautions to ensure safety on the road. Preview. We will begin with examples and tips on how to choose the safest automobile on the road, then we will look at precautions automobile companies are taking to keep you safe, and finally we will see some issues that are still to be taken care of as the automobile industry soars. Point 1 There are many different automobile companies providing buyers with many styles of cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. Toronto Star January 14, 2005 present ways to approach the automotive buying process. There are many different surveys, crash reports, and rating systems comparing different companies and their vehicles. Things you should look for when reading these published articles are who conducted the study? Who paid for it? Who gains from it? Who loses? These are all things to keep eye on as some automotive companies will run their own surveys making their products seem overpowering against the competition. Some prove their products are safer then the competition where the competition has been proven time and time again to make that survey seem inaccurate. The consumer is the biggest target for these falsifying surveys. The act of choosing the right size, shape, and color all have their own place in the process, but choosing the make of the automotive is the real hurdle some people get stuck on. Country Living November 2005 presents to the consumer what new options are available on GM automobiles and trucks. They state that, â€Å"Only GM is committed to offering a full range of cars, trucks, and SUVs that offer GM continuous safety protection before, during, and thanks to On-Star technology, after vehicle collisions. †This is a prime example of how vehicle manufacturers sell their product to the consumer before the consumer steps foot into a dealership. The consumer, relying on this ad, will step foot, in this case, in a GM dealership and then decide what vehicle to chose depending on the models they offer. The consumer has now disregarded all other vehicle manufacturers just by relying on an ad. Almost all vehicle manufacturers have their own way of selling to consumers before consumers even see the line of vehicles they offer. Catchy slogans and ads are things all manufacturers use to gain their consumers attention. Transition from 1 to 2 Now that we saw what vehicle manufacturers are doing to get your attention, lets look at the statistics on which manufacturer actually provides you with the safety that they claim. Point 2 Newswire US February 9, 2006 states valuable information about automotive safety. Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of active and passive safety systems in the US and consumer’s desirability and willingness to pay for such systems recognized Volvo as the recipient of the 2005 U. S. Consumer Choice of the Year Award for Brand Offering the Best Overall Automotive Safety. This particular survey was conducted using over 1,000 U. S. consumers. What this survey tells the consumer is valuable in making a decision. By stating that Volvo has received this award doesn’t mean other manufacturer’s vehicles are unsafe. This survey only states that you get the safety you pay for with Volvo vehicles and also that Volvo customers are satisfied with their vehicles. One of the things that helped Volvo achieve this award is that they provide standard three-point safety belts, which is one of the industries most cost effective vehicular safety features. Volvo was also one of the first brands to adopt padded dashboards, ergonomic seats, disk brakes, crumple zones, split steering columns, integrated child booster cushions, and side airbags. Recent additions to Volvos signature safety features are whiplash protection seating systems, rollover protection system, roll stability control, and their intelligent vehicle architecture. Volvo has been around for over 75 years and they been amazing their customers with better and stylish vehicles every time they renew or introduce a new model. Transition from 2 to 3 Now that we seen how advertisement and research studies on safety can help the consumer make their decision, let us look at some issues vehicle manufacturers have and what precautions can be taken to avoid danger on the road. Point 3 Tires. No matter what vehicle manufacturer you chose, there is always the fear of getting a flat tire or even having a tire explode while the vehicle is in motion. Tire manufacturers design all kinds of tires such as Run-Flats, which are basically thicker tires with insulation that allow the vehicle to be driven even though the tire is flat. Just like vehicle manufacturers, there are many different tire manufacturers. This is where the safety issue comes in. Tires can reach high temperatures while in motion. As the tire is turning even a small nail can cause it to explode. Keep in mind that the tire has air in it. The faster the tire rotates the more pressure it has being exerted outward from the center of the rim. To think a little hair pin or paperclip can have no affect on a tire as it is still, this is not the case as the tires are under higher pressure and are prone to damage or explode when any sharp or pointy object is present to the tire. Fleet Owner February 1st, 2006 present an article to the consumer about Automatic tire inflation systems. Some newer vehicles, such as the Cadillac Escalade, offer this new mechanism. There is an automatic pressure gauge in each tire. When the tire is deflated past the minimum psi needed for the tire to operate properly, an on-board air compressor is triggered to bring the pressure inside the tire to proper level. This new mechanism can help reduce tire damage due to driving with deflated tires, which also results in the tire exploding, but you must still be cautious yourself as there might be many objects on the road that can still cause damage to any tire. Restated Thesis Now you have better knowledge on Vehicle and road safety. Summary We began looking at what consumers should look for in a vehicle when purchasing it in regards to safety and advertising flaws. Then we moved on to the statistics that proved Volvo to be the safest automobile manufacturer of 2005. And finally we were informed about conditions that automotive manufacturers have no control over by using the tire pressure and road conditions as examples. Conclusion Safety is the number on thing automobile manufacturers have in mind no matter what type of vehicle they design. Different manufacturers have different safety standards, but there is one overall manufacturer that is awarded with the safest line of cars award. In 2005 it was Volvo. The Volvo automotive group has succeeded in meeting their safety goals. But at the same time there are other conditions that still lie between point A and point B. As safe as your car can be, always take caution when driving no matter where u may be. Keep your eyes on the road and be safe everyone. Works Cited – â€Å"Vehicle safety has come a long way over the years,†The Toronto Star, 14 January 2006, Pg G06. – â€Å"Road to progress paved with potholes,†USA Today, 15 November 2005, Pg 3B. – â€Å"Volvo Cars receives Frost & Sullivan’s U. S. Consumer Choice Award; Volvo Brand Named Best Overall Automotive Safety,†PR Newswire US, 9 February 2006. – â€Å"More complex cars and more stricter rules lead to more recalls,†The New York Times, 26 October, 2005, Pg. 32. – â€Å"Road transport: Safety remains a major problem,: European Report, 18 February, 2006, Pg. 323. – â€Å"What’s new in: Tire Inflation,: Fleet Owner, 1 February, 2006 – â€Å"Going the extra mile: your guide to continuous automotive safety,†Country Living, November 2005, Pg. 96A.
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