Saturday, August 31, 2019
Why you should eat breakfast
Although this research Is for everyone, It'll help us to be better students as well! Preview Main Points: First I will tell you about the stress relief benefit, then I will tell you about the concentration benefit, last I will tell you about the memory benefit. BODY Transition: Let's bite down on this exciting topic shall we? Main Point 1: As students, we have very busy lives and it can become almost Impossible to Just relax bit. A. In 2009, Dry. Schools and Dry. Smith of the Wrigley Science Institute states that chewing gum can actually relieve stress.B. Stress can be caused by all kinds of forms. When we're caught lying; when we're bout to take a test; when we're worried or even sad. C. When we are stressed, our bodies become tense. A remedy for that would be to exercise. Well, the remedy to loosen our Jaw tension is to chew gum! Dry. Shall posts In 2002 Journal of Oral Rehabilitation that muscle contraction from chewing Is a form of exercise. Chewing stimulates vague nerve In the brain, which lowers heart rate and increases relaxation. D. In addition, Dry. Chou of peoples. Org published an experiment in April 2013 that gum relieves stress not only by producing blood flow and oxygen to the brain, but also by subconsciously shifting our attention to the act of chewing. Transition: Now that our Jaws are loosened up, let's loosen our ears to listen to the next benefit: concentration! Main Point 2: Concentrating on specific things can be difficult especially when we live in such a busy world! In our generation, we have so many things to distract us from our priorities such as school. A.An experiment posted in Nutritional Neuroscience, a Journal updated in 2013 shows that the act of chewing gum increases concentration! B. This chart shows the results for 3 types of experiments based on alertness, contentedness, and calmness. Out of a possible 25 correct answers, the test results were higher when the subjects hewed gum before taking the test as opposed to not chewi ng gum. C. Another test conducted by Dry. Allen et al of Nutritional Neuroscience Journal updated in 2011 and there were fewer long responses in several tests. Transition: Now let's concentrate on advancing our memory!Main Point 3: Memorization can be a tedious task but if we study and then chew gum before having to recall all that we've memorized, we'll be able to do it faster! A. Jennifer Welsh of Live Science cites the Journal Appetite in 2011 that the SST. Lawrence University Research Team conducted an experiment on 224 undergraduates and vided them into 3 groups. The first group chewed gum before and during the test. The second group chewed gum 5 minutes before the test. It. Results showed that chewing gum before the test improved a student's performance. Ii. Within 15-20 minutes, the 5 minute gum chewers recalled 25 to 50 percent more information. That's pretty significant! ‘v. The researchers believe that the improvement in brain power was due to the chewing warming up the brain, a phenomenon they suggestively call the â€Å"mastication-induced arousal†B. Scientific American's author Amy Kraft posted March 2013 about a test conducted n 40 people. Researchers had all 40 people listen to a 30-minute recording of a sequence of numbers. It. 20 people chewed gum while the rest did not. Iii.The results showed that the gum chewers had higher accuracy rates and faster reaction times. ‘v. This is due to more oxygen flow to the brain which is responsible for attention and with more attention means more room for memorization! CONCLUSION Review Topic: I have Just gone over the three wonderful reasons why you should start chewing gum on a regular everyday! Review Main Points: First, we learned the stress-relief benefit, then we learned the incarceration benefit, last we learned the memory benefit. Lasting Thought: We have pretty busy lives! Why You Should Eat Breakfast Topic: Why you should eat breakfast everyday General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade the class why it is good to eat Thesis Statement: Eating breakfast can make each day so much better. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: How many of you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But still manage to walk out the house without eating breakfast. I bet you don’t forget your caffeine though, B. Reason to Listen: To understand why breakfast is so important. C.Thesis Statement: Eating breakfast can make each day so much better. D. Credibility Statement: Research E. Preview of Main Points: 1. First I will go into the benefits of breakfast 2. Second, I will explain why you should make a priority to eat breakfast everyday 3. Last, I will tell you fun facts. A. Benefits of eating breakfast a. . Skipping breakfast can actually backfire on you, and cause you to gain weight. Going without food increases the production of insulin in your body, which can cause your body to store more fat. . The longer you go without eating, the more glycogen your muscles use, and the less energy you have. c. Depending on age and gender, your body needs a minimum amount of nutritional elements, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, calories and fat, to keep organs functioning properly. Eating breakfast gives you a jump-start on meeting your nutritional requirements for the day, and also gets you on the path to making more healthy choices. (LIVESTRONG) B. Priority d.Eating breakfast will allow you to focus better and do better in school e. Allow you to carry out your day with more energy. f. When you eat breakfast it allows your portions throughout the day. People who don’t eat breakfast tend to eat more during the day. (HEALTH. ORG) C. Fun Facts g. one in ten people skips breakfast, which can severely limit their ability to learn. h. Research shows that people who eat breakfast have healthier weights than children who skip breakfast and also perform better on memory tests. health 24. com) i. Breakfast is the meal that makes champions II. Conclusion F. Preview of Main Points: 4. First I will go into the benefits of breakfast 5. Second, I will explain why you should make a priority to eat breakfast everyday 6. Last, I will tell you fun facts You have overcome many trials and tribulations to get to this day and I couldn’t be any prouder. a. Everyone should just try and eat breakfast and see the major difference it makes in your day.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Intro to Finance Essay
An efficient financial system promotes intermediaries that successfully link â€Å"savers†from â€Å"borrowers†(Mankiw). There are two widely-known financial intermediaries namely the banks and mutual funds. Banks are highly accessible to the general public are generally more cost advantageous that direct lending. Generally, the banks main purpose in the economy is to take in deposits from savers and â€Å"use these deposits to make loans to people who want to borrow†(Mankiw, N. Gregory, 2001, Principles of Economics, p. 557). Banks incur costs by paying interest on these deposits and earn from these by charging higher interest rates on loan borrowers. Second to this, banks play an important role in the economy as they â€Å"facilitate the purchases of goods and services by allowing people to write checks against their deposits†(Mankiw, N. Gregory, 2001, Principles of Economics, p. 557). In this manner, the economy benefits from banks by this accessible medium of exchange. Unlike stocks or bonds which are not as immediate, checks make it easier for the public to exercise their monetary transactions. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are institutions that use the proceeds of selling shares in buying portfolios of stocks and bonds where they derive their profits. The financial markets become more accessible and efficient because mutual funds allow people with small savings to become owners and creditors of numerous companies. Also, mutual funds allow its shareholders the benefit of risk diversification wherein a single fund can carry a roster of diverse portfolios in stocks and bonds. A broker can either be an individual or a corporate entity that earns a fee-based profit by performing buy and sell orders from investors and/ or clients. A good example of this is a brokerage firm that specializes in trading company stocks and securities. A broker’s main functions in the financial market would include basic execution of buying and selling shares, and financial advisory to clients regarding the management of their shares/ stocks. With the emergence of automation and popular online brokerage firms, traditional brokers have redefined their place in the industry. Most popular online brokerage firms such as Ameritrade and E*Trade offer lower fees to investors as opposed to traditional brokers. Financial and Investment Advisory are also automated online via innovative investment software tools. With information becoming more accessible because of the internet, traditional brokers are now transitioning into online brokers wherein online orders are still routed to and monitored by them; and with reduced client-interface for advisories.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
David Wu, Oregan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
David Wu, Oregan - Research Paper Example He served in the post of a clerk for the federal judge and was a co-founder member of a legal firm called Cohen and Wu which basically served in the high – tech sector in the â€Å"Silicon Forest†of Oregon. Like any other member of the house, Wu is also typical in many aspects. Wu did not belong to a political family like many of them and is himself a first generation politician. Wu also showed his interest in political activities from his early age and for it, much of his professional and personal life was disturbed. Like most of the members of house, Wu is also affluent and socially established. He is well educated and holds a degree in Law and well versed with it as a professional like most of the members. Wu is aged 55 and the average age of the representatives of the American house is 57. Very common to the religious faith prevailing amid the representatives, Wu is a Presbyterian in his religious faith. The atypical feature of Wu is his ethnicity that of being an Asian American. To this regard, his faith and belief is also a bit different and he was the first Taiwanese America to get the membership of Congress. Wu unlike most of the other members is not affluent economically to a considerable extent but is quite reputed socially and holds a good command over the legal matters. Wu received his first seat in the House of Representative in the year of 1998. He became the successor of the Democrat Elizabeth Furse. Wu began his career after starting to serve the country with the 106th Congress in the year of 1999. Wu started gaining popularity with time and was re-elected in the year 2000 by defeating the state senator Charles Star during the elections held in the month of the November that year. Wu received 58% of the vote and Star receiving only rest 39% of it. The political career of Wu gradually got the glorification when he won the election again in the year 2004 defeating the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Islam In The Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Islam In The Modern World - Essay Example As Michalopoulos, Naghavi and Prarolo (2010) writes, there were several scattered oasis in the desert where vine, frankincense, myrrh, and spices were produced; however, the remaining people led nomadic life. In addition, the ones in and around Mecca were benefiting from their location as Mecca was located along the route connecting Europe to Yemen. Thus, people who traded and cultivated accumulated wealth while the remaining had a pathetic entity; and as a result of this unequal distribution of wealth, robberies and attacks were very common. It was during this social instability that Muhammad had his birth in 570 AD. Muhammad too was a Meccan merchant and was well aware of the social inequalities that existed in Arabia. At this juncture, it seems quite natural that Islamic principles stress heavily on income redistribution, limiting capital accumulation, and incentives for religious endowments as the basic principles of Quran; thus showing that the religion was mainly against the un wanted commercial practices. One cannot turn a blind eye to the importance Muhammad has given to business ethics and the way he has changed the very concept of ‘maximum profit at any cost’. He showed how ethical perspectives can be included in business. In the story of Shu’aib, people are advised to ‘give just measure and weight’ and are directed that one should not withhold others’ due (Hud 11:84-88). In addition, there is warning that ones worship will not be accepted if he earns ‘haram’ (forbidden). There are a number of basic principles put forward by the Hadith regarding business dealings; they will not lie, will not misappropriate the trust when they are entrusted something, will give reasonable price for the things they buy, will not lie to get better price for the things they sell, and will not delay payments. In addition, the crimes in business dealings according to the Islamic principles involve interest on loans, gambli ng, prostitution, bribe, alcohol and drugs, torturing, selling defected items, and false witnesses. Another interesting directive from the prophet is the suggestion that one should not borrow money if he has enough to survive. In addition, the Prophet gives warning that one who charges interest for the money lent will be deprived of all blessings and it will lead to a war with Allah and His Messenger. Thus, it becomes evident that Muhammad was very much concerned about the existing commercialism in the Arabian land and wanted to have a total reform. Taking note of the increasing commercialism, he introduced ‘zakat’ (legal alms giving) especially to kins, poor, and travelers. However, it was the teachings on poverty that helped Quran achieve great success. Protesting the construction of buildings in markets, and opposing tax or rent, he promoted ‘sadaga’ (giving based on compassion). Kuran andTimur (2004) opine that it is this system of strict equality sugge sted by the Prophet that kept the Middle East economically backward while the western world made great strides. However, it is unwise to conclude that Commercialism was the only component that led to the origin of Islamism. Instead, Islamism was a fight against all
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Capstone Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Capstone Business Plan - Assignment Example The customers can express their individual requirements to the HR consultants who can provide them with customized solutions to meet their specific needs. The clients will benefit from the specialized services of the well qualified consultants who can understand their requirements and provide prompt delivery of the tailored services on time. Capstone will be a start-up venture that will be owned and managed by 6 partners who are experienced in HR management areas and will contribute their skills and competencies to promote the above mentioned business goals. The business will initially start with an investment of US $300,000. The total capital requirement will be fulfilled by an investment of $50,000 by each of the 6 partners.Keys to success The success of the business will be based on its strategy to create its market niche through specialized and customized HR solutions for its clients. The business will not focus only on selected industry segments, but will cater to the needs of companies across all industries and operations. The targeted market segment for the business hence will comprise of small, medium and large scale organizations who seek expert HR solution. While the HR consultancy sector faces intense competition with leading global players like Capgemini, Booz, Allen and Hamilton among others, the focus will be on superior service performance and instant service approach. Capstone will offer its clients with well-researched solutions that are arrived at after a complete evaluation of the client needs and existing strategic practices in manpower management. The initial focus will be on creating word-of-mouth recommendation or market reputation to establish its market presence. Hence the pricing of the services offered during the first two to three years of operation will be competitive. Company mission The mission of Capstone Consultancy Services will be to evaluate client requirements and offer customized HR solution packages that meet and exceed customer expectations. The business will cater to the HR needs of companies across all industry sectors and extend its expertise in delivering high standards of HR services. Business goals and objectives Capstone will focus on developing its strengths and capabilities in such a manner that it provides its customers with specialized service that will help the business in generating profit and sustaining long term growth. The goals and objectives of the business will be to: Offer its clients total satisfaction in providing customized HR sol
Monday, August 26, 2019
Spatial Inequality around London and other UK Cities Essay
Spatial Inequality around London and other UK Cities - Essay Example 25). Introduction The UK is a welfare state and has been quite active in ameliorating expanding social inequalities that are attached with spatial segregation. This background on spatial segregation has given rise to the basic inquiry over the extent of spatial inequality in London and other cities of the UK. Spatial inequality is generally gauged by social inequality (as appraised via socio-economic parameters the like of un/employment or standard of education) or on race or ethnicity (as appraised by parameters of race or ethnic minority) (McIntosh, 2002). Data Deficiency Problem of insufficient quantitative data has been dominant across all European cities. That’s why EUROSTAT and the European Union has initiated research programmes, the like of BETWIXT project on selected cities including London. On social and employment scales, the European Community Household Panel Survey, the unitary Labour Force Survey and some new programmes have been initiated with a focus on comparative proof, policies and indicators and the Urban Audit with an increased area focus on standard of life data, which includes data on city level as well. Yet these efforts are handicapped by the absence of a single data source to predict outcomes on sub-city spatial segregation. ... defining a list of specific policy recommendations for reducing ‘excessive’ spatial inequality or increasing ‘beneficial’ spatial inequality†(2008, p.35). In this regard, both statistical and theoretical perspectives hold value. What is Spatial Inequality? Spatial inequality can be defined by pointing out the gap in living standard because of lacunas in social and economic causes over a territory that can be quite large or small in size. In a country, spatial segregation can exist to start from state, province, district, and city and at neighbourhood level. At neighbourhood level, spatial inequality cannot be addressed by the central government to help implement positive policies because neighbourhood is quite low administrative level (Faguet and Shami, 2008). Fiscal policy can play a positive role in fighting the causes of inequality or reducing its effects or the possibility is that policy can aggravate the spatial inequality. According to Cheshire (2007), there is a decisive causation relationship between poverty and place. Comparing the indicators of deprivation among residents with affluent neighbourhoods is important but we can not measure how it affects the opportunities in peoples’ lives, as there is no way to keep an eye on them (p. 18). Motivations and desires as well as luck play a role in deciding the place of living. Neighbourhood choice depends on many other factors, as pointed out by Goering et al. (2003). â€Å"Since people typically select their neighbourhoods to match their needs and resources, researchers restricted to cross-sectional, non-experimental evidence must try to separate the impact of personal factors affecting choice of neighbourhood from effects of neighbourhood.†(Goering et al., 2003, p. 4). Personal factors impacting
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Use of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Use of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising - Essay Example Gender stereotyping in the advertisements has become one of the major problems seen. For many it is a wrong and unacceptable way since it gives a wrong sense of value to the people for selfish reasons. On the other hand, the groups of people who use gender stereotyping argue that it is to reach the targeted audience and not to immorally harm the society. The issues arise often and the debate goes on. It is important to note that advertisements rely on stereotypes, and despite what the society presents, gender stereotypes play the concrete role. The modern society has been shaped according to the media that surrounds us. The main purpose why advertisers use stereotypes is to make their message stronger and reach the targeted audience. They also think this secures the stereotypes in the society and portrays their position in the society. However, it also causes an inverse effect according to many psychologists. They say these advertisements represent the genders in the society as they exist stereotypically, and also cause these groups to be influenced to stay packed within their stereotyped molds. The advertisement of Weight Watchers is an example of how gender stereotypes are commonly used in advertisements. They have the perspective of looking at men and women so differently that they have used two separate advertisements in order to target them. The advertisement for women launched the ‘Weight Watchers 360’ programme and the advertisement for men launched the ‘Lose like a Man’ programme. The programme for women was very stereotypical as it focused on the ability of the user to, at times, eat what they wanted, such as chocolates. For men the programme used the approach giving them the ability to sometimes eat some of their favourites and still lose weight, such as pizza, burgers etc. The advertisement could not have gotten more stereotypical where it positioned different tactics for both genders, placed the genders in their stereotyped roles and influenced the society to follow them. The relationship between the media and the society is not understandable. It is observed that women face excessive stereotypical pressure, but usually men suffer the same. Gender stereotyping in advertisements is commonly discouraged because it enforces negative and false assumptions in the society through portraying audiences on television, social media or billboards. For selfish reasons advertisers use these groups and create wrong values in the minds of people in the society. Psychological reasons are the most important ones because of which stereotyping in advertisements are immoral and harmful. The advertisement may remind the targeted audience of any incidents that they went through, and influence to think of them as normal. Advertisers sell their products through targeting the psychology where the audience starts to feel they actually lack those so-called attributes (Browne, 2011, p. 33). Advertisements affect people every day in a way that they do not realise. These advertisements portray an idealistic reality which most people are not aware of. The goals and objectives attained by the advertisers cause severe negative circumstances in the society. Psychologists say that women are reminded of the negative stereotypes before they perform any exercise or activity. The stereotyped advertisements create an exaggerated version of a specific group or gender and they present it as normal. This affects the psychology of people who are being targeted and they are not only convinced to buy the product but also start believing themselves to be normally unusual.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Fitness Assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Fitness Assignments - Coursework Example The client is a complete beginner to exercise and have not attended any fitness program before. In addition, the client possesses an active lifestyle with high intake of junk food. No cardio respiratory diseases or blood sugar abnormalities were identified to relate with the family history of the client. The client’s secondary motive is to remain fit and healthy. On the other hand, the primary goal of the client is to become a basketball player. A detailed information about the client has been presented below in a tabular format. Basketball is recognized as a ‘non-contact’ sport, wherein body contact is commonly witnessed among the players. Hence, basketball players usually require muscular strengths as well as body mass to maintain their position against the opponents. In this regard, certain qualities are extremely important for the basketball players to acquire a competitive edge over the opponents. Speed, agility and quick recovery are a few major fitness components that are essential for developing the performance of the individual players as well as team. The goals of the client behind attending training are to become a basketball player and keep self-fit and healthy. Hence, in line with these goals of the client, certain specific methods of testing by which further assessments can be gauged against for effective training have been designed. These testing methods will include ‘test of jumping’, ‘test of agility’, and ‘tests of strength’ (Sporis, Naglic, Milanovic, Talovic, & Jeleskovic, 2010). On each exercise, 20-30 sec work will be performed with 20-40sec recovery after the completion of each exercise. At the same time, warm up before starting exercise and cooling down after exercise will also be performed. The following exercise circuit has been set up for conducting a resistance-based circuit so that the fellow students work in each body part. The session is divided
Friday, August 23, 2019
Social Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Entrepreneurship - Essay Example It is antithetical to innovation, too political, wasteful, inefficient, and bureaucratic. Dees thinks that counting on independent social entrepreneurs provides society with more opportunities at a lower risk. Social entrepreneurs tend to be more inventive when compared to government in finding solutions to problems since they respond to failures by the government by creation of parallel tracks while inventing new models, which improve public, institutional performance. By that, he means that social entrepreneurs play a crucial role in supplementing or complementing government functions. Dees also feels that the use of charity as a means of dealing with poverty cannot be relied on since it avoids dealing with the real problem. Consequently, he believes that social entrepreneurs build sustainable refinement rather than offer temporary relief by use of charity. In Taking Social Entrepreneurship Seriously, J. Gregory Dees (2007, p. 25) writes, â€Å"While this focus on government as a social problem solver has led to some notable successes, such as increased access to education and health care for many, the experience also revealed the limits of government as the vehicle for social problem solving†. ... Social entrepreneurs do not place a limit on their activities because of the available resources. Rather, they first focus on the opportunity, then think about its implementation later. This is in contrast to the government administrative mindset, which is dependent on budget constraints that derail the planning processes and offer priority to projects, which are ready to go. Entrepreneurs mainly focus on developing their entrepreneurial idea, then start thinking of how to acquire the money to finance the venture. An entrepreneur willing to drill a borehole in Africa devotes time to identifying the area most in need, gets the residents involved, sets the wheels in motion, then finally looks for resources. On the other hand, government will have to fit in the project in its already stretched budget, which may see it given decreased priority. Social entrepreneurship came about, in part, because of the disappointment faced by entrepreneurs with projects run by the government. Recently, an Indian bank, Ecobank started offering savings for very low-income citizens after its partnership with government to offer credit, slowed down because of the government’s bureaucratic and rigid laws and regulations. Ecobank felt that private for-profit ventures have the ability to stimulate increased innovation and economic growth. Another issue that interests me and I would like to discuss from this article is that Dees (2007, p. 27) writes, â€Å"They aim to create sustainable improvements and are willing to draw on self-interest, as well as compassion to do it†. That is to say, social entrepreneurs, through motivation by self-interest, give their charity in order to establish
Clyfford still Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Clyfford still - Essay Example The artist’s feelings are also on the surface as it is clear that Still sympathized with those people and he is also very sad that some people had to live in such conditions. It is also possible to assume that the artist feels that the American society cannot be called a just one, as there are so many poor people who do not enjoy equal rights and do not have equal opportunities with the rest of Americans. As far as I am concerned, the painting made quite a strong impression on me. The first thing that caught my eye was the hands (as well as feet) of the man and the woman. It is clear that very poor people are depicted. The hands can be regarded as a symbol of hard work and large feet can symbolize distances that these people have to cover. I felt sorrow for the couple who had to work very hard day after day. My sad feelings were enhanced by the posture of the couple. The man and the woman are absolutely devastated. I almost felt their weariness. I assume that these two people are not only tired of the work, they are also tired of their lives. The man and the woman are dreaming and I feel they do not have any dreams as they have no enough powers to create any images in their heads, since they are too tired. Finally, one element attracted my special attention. The horseshoe, which is the symbol of good luck, can be regarded as a symbol of hope in the painting. The couple could hope that they might someday overcome their difficulties and live a happy and prosperous life. However, I do not feel that there is any hope for the two people. Unfortunately, when I am looking at the painting, I can only see despair and endless suffering of the couple as well as millions of other people all over the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Functions of Management Essay Example for Free
Functions of Management Essay The following will include the four major functions of management in a health care setting, how these functions apply to managing others, important roles for health care manager and leader in the diversified health care industry and the most significant aspect related to health care management that I would like to gain by taking this class. The four major functions of management in a health care setting are: organizing, planning, controlling and leading. The four functions mentioned all work hand in hand when managing others or while being managed. Each manager is expected to be a leader of their department and make sure that patient’s needs are being met. A leader has to be well organized within the department to accomplish things as checking in patients, calling patients to remind them of upcoming procedures and appointments, referrals, and insurance authorization, paper work needs to be well organized to make sure that everything is done in order and correct. Organizing make it easy for changing of shifts between employees. Planning comes in to play when schedules are mapped out to make sure that enough health care workers are present for each day’s work load. It also help to plan around a physician surgery schedule and so forth. Controlling helps the manager to keep focus on work performance which in turn helps to build relationships with employees and patients due to the active contact. Leading in management is very important and the responsibility is more. A leader is responsible for training, department meetings, work schedule and goals to be accomplished each day without compromising the care for each patient. Planning plays an important role for a health care manager and leader in a diversified health care industry, without planning ahead it puts a health care facility at risk of not being able to perform above and beyond for their patient’s health care needs. According to Harvard business â€Å"In addition to negotiating the day-to-day demands of a busy and complex organization, healthcare executives must also be able to evaluate and understand the impact of alternative care delivery models†.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker
Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker Introduction Effective communication is more than just passing information from one person to another, we communicate both verbally and non-verbally (Howard 1991) in addition, we all hunger for contact that is meaningful. A communicator enters into relationships with other people (Gamble Gamble 2008). Healthy communication is essential, we all like to be valued and heard, and it is fundamental to all people from all facets of life and in all sectors of society (Bolton 1987, p. 4). Daily, human services workers encounter a diverse range of people, from colleagues to clients, professionals, and the public. Therefore, responding appropriately is necessary for effective communication to occur. Communication is never neutral (Tyler, Kossen Ryan 2005, p. 26) furthermore, we construct our world view from our own point of view as well as the point of view of the culture or society that we inhabit (Tyler, Kossen Ryan). Hence, there can be barriers to effective communication when class and low socio-economic circumstances are present. There is a tendency for Australians to look down on low-income earners and those receiving government benefits. To some, a low-income earner has less value because the belief is that they are non-contributors to the wealth and growth of Australian society. While this occurs less in the human services industry than in general, none the less it still occurs. Terms used within the community such as dole bludger have a negative connotation, and present difficulties that impact in an unconstructive manner on low income earners who may already be feeling guilty about their inability to find employment. Careless terms, labels, and negative attitudes build resentment, which has consequences that can flow on from clients to their families, whether from ill health, crime, family breakdowns, or drug and alcohol problems. Ineffective communication causes an interpersonal gap that is experienced in all facets of life and in all sectors of societyeven death results when communication breaks down (Bolton 1987, p.4). Covey (1989, p. 239) states, Unless you are influenced by my uniqueness, Im not going to be influenced by your advice therefore, building effective emotional bank accounts (Covey, p. 239) is crucial for successful communication to occur. This essay will address issues that confront human services workers and the challenges they face when working with unemployed people from low socio-economic backgrounds. Situation Australia is supposed to be an egalitarian society but increasingly it is becoming a nation of haves and have nots. The divide between rich and poor continues to expand (Barrett, Crossley Worswick 1999; The Age 1999, cited in Healey 2001). Stratification based on economic and social position is becoming a part of the Australian identity (Hartley 2002). The success of some at the expense of others has also seen growing resentment by those on welfare who see themselves as victims (The Weekend Australian 2000, p. 23, cited in Healey 2001). Hegemony refers to the dominant classes maintenance of social and cultural domination over others (OSullivan et al. 1983). It forces people to hand over their power either consciously or unconsciously by creating a power bloc (OSullivan, p. 102). Government agencies such as Centrelink, job network centres, and training institutions, which in theory are neutral and are there to represents everybody often exercise their power to achieve hidden company outcomes. As the dominant economic class, they look after the interests of the company first and their clients needs often become secondary. Unequal power relationships that influence the manner in which people communicate with each other are easy to develop and difficult to dismantle. The exchange between senders and receivers is an active encounter in which participants frequently occupy positions of unequal power (Kress 1988, p15). Those on the receiving end feel diminished, unheard, and often defensive. Negative stereotypes on both sides are liable to increase, and self-fulfilling prophecies and conflict occurs because of ineffective communication. There is growing concern about welfare dependency and the impact this is having on the economy. There is a shift in government policy, the emphasis now is that those on welfare must accept more responsibility for their economic circumstances (Saunders 2005). Community service workers understand that participation in order to lead a rich meaningful life within the community it is necessary to have a healthy self-esteem. They are aware that social exclusion and unemployment deny people the opportunity to participate (Saunders). Approach Reading body language, paying attention to details and clear effective communication require well developed skills that human service workers need to keep in mind when working with clients. When communication, the life blood of every relationship (Bolton 1987, p. 6) is positive, it creates nurturing fulfilling relationships. As fifty-five percent of all communication consists of body language (Hargie Dickson 2004, p. 46), particular attention to non-verbal communication skills is required. Non-verbal communication such as a sneer, a sense of distain, or body language that is closed, communicates indifference, which can be as damaging as a verbal confrontation. As a human services worker it is essential that the clients your there to assist do not feel ostracised by the agencies assigned to help them. Human service workers must be conscious of non-verbal behaviour, their own and their clients because non-verbal behaviour often contains significant, misleading, and undeclared messages (Baney 2004). How people dress, their posture, eye contact and how they walk all convey meaning, and reveal to the observer a myriad of information. Cultural differences need to need recognition, studies show that African Americans and white Americans gaze in opposite directions when spoken to (Hargie 2006), Indigenous Australians also avoid eye contact. Avoid judgements because for clients to develop a healthy self-concept, judgement does not have to be verbal to be experienced. Judgement is one of the major roadblocks to successful communication (Rogers cited in Bolton 1987, p.17). Most people fear rejection and the surest way to create it in relationships with people is through judgement and criticism. Our sense of self develops through our interactions with others, we are social beings, and developing self-awareness is an important step in understanding ourselves and other people (Gamble Gamble 2008). Our self-concept and self-image is often warped and unbalanced, often how we see ourselves differs from how others see us. Our culture teaches us to repress our feelings, and many people are unaware of what emotionally, is actually occurring inside of them (Bolton 1987). A new counsellor may want to help clients avoid painful emotions, but emotional release encourages healing processes to occur (Geldard Geldard 1998, p. 50). An effective counsellor has the capacity to help their clients to feel what is happening within them, by either understanding what the client is verbally expressing, or transmitting by body language. By assisting clients whose body language maybe conveying feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, a human services worker, can bring to their clients attention factors that their clients maybe unaware of, and hence the client can begin to address them. Human service workers must be aware that giving advice can create interfere-iority complex (Bolton 1987, p. 22) and they must avoid giving advice but rather assist clients to find solutions. How something is expressed alters reactions, and those with low self-esteem often expect criticism from others, and possibly will read into statements meaning that was never there (Bolton 1987). Human service workers have the ability to reflect feelings back to the speaker, and are in a position to offer assistance that can and does make a difference in peoples lives. Building self-esteem can mean the difference between employment and continuing unemployment for a client, as a positive relationship exists between career development and the ability to communicate effectively (Bolton 1987, Gamble Gamble 2008). Therefore, human services workers are required to have skills that go beyond those of basic communication. Listening, assertion, conflict-resolution, and collaborative problem solving skills (Bolton 1987) are strengths that assist practitioners successfully negotiate interpersonal communication. As Bolton says low-level communication, leads to ineffectiveness, both at work and in personal communication, consequently by developing effective intercommunication skills it will lead to increased competence in all areas of life. Listening skills are required for successful communication, paraphrasing lets the listener know that you understand what the speaker has said. It allows the listener to comprehend the context of what the speaker said, and therefore the speaker knows understanding has been achieved. Communication skills require empathy and genuineness and need to affirm and validate peoples experiences (Kenny, 1994). Attending skills, following skills and reflective skills (Bolton 1987) are all a part of listening and allow the listener to demonstrate a clear understanding of what the speaker has conveyed. Listening allows a counsellor to bring to the attention of clients the negative self-talk they may use. Clients can then overcome barriers and create for themselves employment opportunities previously denied with knowledge, new skills, and understanding. Conclusion Human service workers are at the forefront in developing new programs aimed at increasing participation within the workforce. They are working for government and job network agencies on programs that address issues such as appearance, attitude, and communication styles. They are aware that sending solutions (Bolton 1987, p.20) rather than assisting clients to come to their own conclusions are barriers to empowerment that could undermine a clients motivation. Eighty percent of people who fail at work do so for one reason: they do not relate well to other people (Bolton 1987, p. 7). Human service workers are adopting principals, with the intention of addressing this problem. They know that with the correct assistance the downward spiral that creates unemployment, class stigma, and low income is reversible. By assisting low-income earners and unemployed people to understand how their verbal and non-verbal cues are preventing them from leading fulfilling lives can help motivate people to change. Methods learnt as a child can be undone and the barriers broken so that they can participate in a meaningful way, to live fulfilling personal and social lives, as well as gaining employment. Skill building workshops, training workshops, and counselling aimed at improving interpersonal relations are a practical solution in assisting clients to gain the skills required to communicate effectively. The flow on from that comes from learning how communication barriers lead to anger, ineffectual and damaging social relationships and that a clearer understanding will empower, and assists the disadvantaged members of society. Creating a ripple effect that will be of benefit to the wider community. Communication is our link to the rest of humanity (Gamble Gamble 2008, p.5), therefore as workers in the human services industry by helping clients to win, ultimately we all share the rewards. References Baney, J 2004, Guide to interpersonal communication. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Barrett, G, Crossley, T Worswick, C 1999, Consumption and income inequality in Australia, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University Discussion Paper no.40. Bolton, R 1987, People skills, Simon and Schuster, NSW. Covey, SR 1989, 7 habits of highly effective people, Simon and Schuster, New York. Gamble, TK Gamble, M 2008, Communication works, McGraw-Hill, New York. Geldard, D Geldard, K 1998, Reflection of feelings, in Basic personal counselling, Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest, pp. 49-58. Hargie, O 2006, Skill in practice: An operational model of communicative performance, in O. Hargie (ed.), The handbook of communication skills, Routledge, London, pp. 37-70. Hargie, O Dickson, D 2004, Nonverbal communication, in Skilled interpersonal communication: research theory, and practice, Routledge, London, pp. 43-66. Hartley, J 2002, Communication cultural and media studies, Routledge, London. Healey, J (ed.) 2001, The wealth divide, Issues in Society, vol 141, The Spinney Press, NSW. Howard, G 1991, Can you put it on a t-shirt? David Charles, London. Kenny, S 2007, Developing communities for the future, Thompson, Victoria. Kress, G 1988, Communication and culture, in G. Kress (ed.), Communication and culture, New South Wales University Press, NSW. OSullivan, T, Hartley, J, Saunders, D Fiske, J, 1983, Key concepts in communication, Routledge, London. Saunders, P 2005, Welfare to work in practice, in P.Saunders (ed.), Welfare to work in practice social security and participation in economic and social life, Ashgate, Hants, England, pp. 1-7. Tyler, S, Kossen, C Ryan, C, 2005, Theories of communication, in Communication: a foundation course, Pearson Education Aust., Frenchs Forest, NSW, pp. 16-26.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Social work as a practice
Social work as a practice Social work as a practice is of recent origin and attempts to meet the needs of people especially those in urban areas. In essence, it is a professional activity of helping individuals or communities enhance or restore their capacities to a social functioning and to create societal conditions favorable to their goals. It aims to improve the quality of human life as well as show commitment towards social justice (Ryan and Hughes, 1998). Individuals, families, communities and organizations are able to attain their full potential by seeking social work related services. The need for such services has been extended to cater for children as they are currently facing challenges that hinder their proper development. This has become the main focal point of this document. First of all, as mentioned above, social work is aimed at improving the livelihoods of people and engaging them constructively to attain their full potential. This cuts across all generations including children. Several reasons have contributed to my desire in working within the Public Child Welfare system. The system is driven by the aim to promote the safety, wellbeing and permanency of children as well as families (Ryan and Hughes, 2006). Most children experience situations such as being deprived of parental care, abuse ranging from physical, sexual, emotional to neglect, marital conflicts, stigma related issues, unfavorable socioeconomic conditions (Weaver et al., 2006) that expose them to scenarios such as opting for prostitution. Qualities Of A Good Child Protection Services Worker For one to be a Child Protection Services worker, one has to meet the basic requirements which include a Bachelors degree in social work or a Masters degree in social work, maintain substantial knowledge of current affairs pertaining to childrens welfare and be able to apply the knowledge acquired into structured settings. One should be aware of the ethics and values which describe in detail the code of conduct. A commitment to the ethics and values of a Child Protection Services worker should be fully adhered to, be able to apply basic helping skills where one is able to respond to individual, group and community needs, engagement skills, observation skills, communication skills, empathy skills, resistance intervention and assessment skills. With these strengths I am able to carry out my duties as Child Welfare Protection Officer effectively and efficiently. Challenges To Effective Child Welfare Service Provision However, even with the above strengths, several challenges exist that compromise service delivery on the part of the child welfare services worker. Ryan and Hughes (1998) expound on these challenges to include; poor public perception of the Child Welfare Social worker. Service delivery is compromised by high staff turnover as well as lack of competent personnel in the social work institutions; vulnerability of families with complex needs thus requiring time bound complex solutions. This cannot be tackled by the few workers available; poor working conditions result in the workers having to bear with increasing caseloads without proper remuneration and flexible routines; increased caseloads with complex needs. These stem in part from the vulnerability of families where breadwinners are unable to provide sufficiently for their dependants. Complexity of these needs requires complex actions in their solutions which further demands time to solve them; reduction in the number of foster care parenting. Increased caseloads face a backlog of foster care parenting as less individuals sign up into foster care systems due to increased expenses and bureaucracies involved. Proposed Changes To Improve The Publics Perception Of Public Child Welfare Services In order to improve the public perception of public child welfare services, adequate training and employment should be done to increase the number of competent personnel in these institutions. This would effectively take into account the need to improve service delivery to cater for increasing cases related to child welfare (Weaver et al., 2006). Secondly, institutional changes that encompass policy development and implementation need to be adequately addressed to ensure systematic co-ordination in securing resources for affected families and children. Further more, compensation should be incorporated to promote foster care parenting o that foster families do not feel overburdened in taking care of the adopted children. Staff should also be compensated in situations where they have incurred extra expenses of both time and money in their quest to address underlying issues brought to them. Permanency Planning Weaver et al., (2006) defines permanency planning as a guiding principle intended to minimize the exit, entry and time spent in home care. It includes both legal and social efforts aimed at securing viable families for children. It further describes where a child will live after foster care. Foster Care System Foster care system refers to a system where a minor is taken up in a caregivers home. Such a caregiver is certified by the state and is referred to as a foster parent. The state and a child welfare institution engage in legal decisions affecting the minor while the foster parent contributes to the daily care of the minor and is compensated for extending such services by the state. This system is mostly short term in nature as the minor awaits permanent adoption or reunification (Ryan and Hughes, 1998) Career Prospects Five years after my graduation, I intend to become a social worker with a bias in child protection services. I will focus my attention mainly in child labor and female genital mutilation cases for the first three years. I will then establish an organization whose main mandate would be to address the above issues. References Ryan, J. and Hughes, R. (1998), Field Guides to Child Welfare (Vol II-XIII). Washington: CWLA Press Weaver, D. et al., (2006), Retention of Public Child Welfare Workers. Berkeley: California University
Monday, August 19, 2019
Venezuela :: essays research papers
Since the 1970s, Venezuela has gone from being South America’s richest nation into a nouveau-poor society in search of an identity. Once known as the Saudis of the West, Venezuelans have seen their economic fortunes decline in exact proportion to the general fall in world oil prices. Even so, Venezuela’s many problems were hidden from view until relatively recently, when severity measures heralded the sort of economic crises so painfully familiar to other Latin American countries. Runaway inflation, currency devaluations and even food riots have marked this new phase in Venezuelan history, to which the country is still trying to adjust.      The projected population for 2010 is estimated at approximately 28,809 million, with a birth rate of 29.9 per thousand and a low mortality rate of 4.7 per thousand. Today the estimated population is 23,542,649 with a growth rate of 1.6%. Caracas, the capital, and the state of Miranda, which are the areas with the greatest commercial and financial activity, have a population of 7.7 million people. The industrial and agricultural centers, which are the states of Aragua, Carabobo, and Lara, have a population total of about 5 million people. The state of Zulia, which is the major cattle rising and oil producing state, has a population of over 3 million people. Guyana, which is in the state of Bolivar, has the most important mineral reserves, has a population of 1,300,000. The mortality rate is at 26.17 per thousand and a birth rate of 21.09 per thousand. In spite of its growth, there is still a low population density. With only nine inhabitants per square kilometer, V enezuela is one of the least densely populated countries in the Western Hemisphere. The Venezuelan population is very young. About 70% is under the age of 40. 33% of the population is between the ages of 0-14. Followed by 63% being between the ages of 15-64 and only 4% of the population is 65 years and over. There is a male domination over female with a total population ratio 1.02 male(s)/female. Venezuela has a total area of 912,050 square kilometers, 882,050 square kilometers being land and 30,000 square kilometers water. It is slightly more than twice the size of California. Venezuela is the most urbanized country in Latin America. The urban population is about 87% of the total, but is unevenly distributed throughout the country. The migration ratio as of July of 2000 was -0.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Preventing Bacteria from Creating Resistance to Drugs Essay -- Explora
Preventing Bacteria from Creating Resistance to Drugs In 1943, the antibiotic era began when penicillin, a member of the [beta]-lacam family of drugs, was developed. Since then, tens of thousands of derivatives of penicillin have been developed, but only seventeen antibiotics of this family are currently marketed in the United States. Penicillin and its derivatives work by preventing certain bacteria from building strong cell walls that keep their shape and integrity. Without well-integrated cell walls, "bacterial trying to grow in the presence of penicillin puff up and die."1 Almost all bacterial diseases have evolved some level of resistance. The "increased use of antimicrobial drugs encourages the spread of resistance and increases the prevalence of drug-resistant strains."2 In fact, most virulent strains, like many sexually transmitted diseases, require at least double the dosage that was used a decade ago. Vancomycin, commonly referred to as the "last resort drug," is being used by hospitals in ever-increasing amounts. Bacterial resistance is the result of evolutionary responses. One cause of resistance is through mutation. In some instances, proteins used to build the cell are altered to bind penicillin poorly or not at all. A second type of resistance occurs when the bacteria preemptively breaks down penicillin into harmless by-products before they have the chance to bind with the cell wall. A greater cause for concern is the fact that "bacteria may reproduce with different bacterial species passing on resistance" to bacteria that did not previously possess the ability to resist any drugs.3 Humans are the predominant cause for drug resistance. The following are some examples of how human intervention has res... ...3. Palumbi. Pg. 81. 4. "Meanwhile, Back at the Farm" in Infectious Disease Alert. Nov. 1, 2001. vol. 21 i. 3 Pg. 17. 5. Palumbi. Pg. 89. 6. Palumbi. Reproduced from Table 4.1 on Pg. 75. 7. Skolnic, Andrew. "New Insight Into How Bacteria Develop Antibiotic Resistance" in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Jan. 2, 1991. vol. 265 n. 1. Pg. 14. 8. For further reading consult: Skurkovich, Simon. "Facing the Coming Plague" in World and I. June 1998. vol. 13 n. 6. Pg. 150. FURTHER READING & USEFUL LINKS 1. This presentation was intended to be associated with the following article: Eckert, Eric. "Diseased Soieties" in World and I. Oct. 1998. vol. 13 n. 10. Pg. 166. 2. Lappe, Marc. Breakout: The Evolving Threat of Drug-Resistant Disease. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995. 3. "How Bacteria Build Resistance to Antibiotics" presented by USA Today
E-Commerce :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
E-Commerce E-commerce is rapidly becoming an excellent way to do business. It incorporates elements which are similar to those of regular commerce. The hype surrounding this new way of doing business is constantly increasing for many reasons. There are some barriers to e-commerce, but the benefits seem to far outweigh the risks. There are many elements necessary to e-commerce. First of all, you must have a product. It is also necessary to have a place. The web sit displays the product and acts as the place. There must be a way to get people to view your web site. You can market your site both on and off the web. There should also be a method of accepting orders such as and on-line form. A secure ordering page and a connection to a bank are necessary for accepting payment. It is also necessary to have a fulfillment facility to ship products to customers. However, if you are just selling software or information, fulfillment can occur with a file download mechanism. It is also important to be able to accept returns and handle warrantee claims if necessary. There should also be a method of offering customer service through e-mail, on-line forms, on-line knowledge bases, or any other on-line mechanism. Many of these elements are necessary to perform commerce, but the specifications around e-commerce are noteworthy. There is a lot of hype surrounding e-commerce. "On the retail side alone, Forrester projects $17 billion in sales to consumers over the Internet by the year 2001." According to O'Reilly and Associates, "Worldwide business access to the Web is expected to grow at an even faster rate than the US market from 1.3 million in 1996 to 8 billion by 2001." It is also documented that, "Dell currently sells about $14 million in equipment everyday, 25% of which is over the Web." The hype concerning e-commerce is justified by many of its aspects. There are many reasons why e-commerce continues to grow at an exceeding rate. E-commerce has lower transaction costs by using automating processes. It is also documented that consumers participating in e-commerce have larger purchases per transaction. A web site that is well-integrated into the business cycle can offer customers more information than previously available. A company can build a catalog on the web exceeding what would be impractical for ordinary mail order businesses.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Classify Jobs by Type Essay
Have you ever count how many types of jobs? Which job do you prefer to do? Choosing proper jobs are important in our life. If you are familiar with the professional area about your jobs, you could easier find a suitable job. In fact, there are three types of jobs which are educators, creators, and laborers. The first type is educator. The educators’ purpose is that they give knowledge to the people. For example, teachers are one of educator. And they teach and educate people. In the words, they not only teach students knowledge from the book, but also teach them the correct behaviors. Moreover, they guide students how to think about information and how to deal with questions. For example, teacher can teach us a lot of knowledge in our compulsory education. The second type is creative jobs. The creators’ purpose is that they want to bring something new to the world such as industrial designer and movie producers. They create the real things from virtual ideas. They can explain and express ideas from peoples. Also, They can even create the beautiful scene. Moreover, their works can touch people’s heart; for instance, iPhone is made from industrial designer and it is the first smart phone with touch function and Internet. When it appears on the market, it makes people crazy. The third type is laborers. The laborers’ purpose is that they maintain the functions of societies. They are like screws, which mean that they are small, but they play important roles. They are the largest group of human societies. For example, creators invent a great idea, such as iPhone, but it still needs laborers to implement it. Otherwise, just few people can enjoy the iPhone. Although their work looks simple, it is necessary in the society. In conclusion, each job has its unique place. The educator guides people. The creator achieves people’s dreams. The laborers keep the social operation going. All of them are important in our society. In my opinion, I like to be a creative because it is a challenge work.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Making Ebay Work
Table of Contents Introduction:2 PART A: Chapter Summary3 PART B: Background and Case summary5 EBay’s Background5 Case Summary: Making eBay work6 PART C: Case Questions7 Case Question #1:7 Case Question #2:10 Case Question #310 PART D: Implications and Recommendation12 Implications12 Recommendations13 Introduction: Strategic capabilities have become a source of competitive advantage for both small and large organization. Organizations that wish to survive and compete in today’s dynamic business world need to implement unique and high-value strategic capabilities. This paper takes you through in depth analysis of strategic capabilities and how it relates to the business environment. The organization in focus is eBay, an online sales company. EBay is one of the largest online sales and auction company with branches in over two dozen countries. Its unique resources and key competences are paramount to its ever-growing success in the industry. The first part of this paper will take you through the concept of strategic capability. This is the summary of the chapter 3 from the textbook, Exploring Corporate Strategy. This part will focus on definition of strategic capability, the importance of resources and competencies to achieving strategic capabilities, cost efficiency, and how strategic capabilities can lead to sustainable development. The second part focuses on the background of the case study company, eBay. There is a brief background about the company and summary of the case study. Part three seeks to answer the case questions. The questions are divided into three; the first talking about the analytical framework for analyzing eBay’s strategic capability. There are several analytical frameworks in the textbook, for in-depth and better understanding, the SWOT analysis was used. The second question seeks to know what kind of capabilities have provided eBay with competitive advantage. The last questions deals with managing capabilities such as new resources, investing and divesting in resources, and extending resources given new entrants in the marketplace and the changing nature of eBay. Each question has been answered by expert individuals with good knowledge of strategic capabilities. The paper concludes by taking into consideration possible lessons learnt from the chapter and case study. We also give recommendations for development in eBay or other organizations that seek to achieve the feat of successful organizations like eBay. PART A: Chapter Summary Strategic capability can be defined as the adequacy and suitability of the resources and competencies of an organization for it to survive, prosper and deliver in the future. The strategic capability contributes to the competitive advantage of an organization by creating and implementing strategies that competitors find difficult to imitate or match. Unique and rare strategic capabilities give organizations better reputation and goodwill when compared with their competitors. Importance of resources, competences, core competences and dynamic capabilities: An organization’s strategic capabilities mainly revolve around its resources. The resources are either tangible or intangible and they are grouped into four categories; an organization’s resources can be: Physical, Financial, Human, and intellectual. Physical resources include machines, building or production capacity of the organization. Financial resources are used in the day to day running of the business; they include capital, cash, debtors, creditors among others. Human resource includes the number and mix of people in an organization. Most organizations have human resource departments that help manage the welfare of the personnel in the organization. Intellectual resources are intangible resources that include patents, brands, business system, and customer database. Resources are important to an organization because they allow the organization to produce at lower cost or generate superior product or service. The resources in an organization are of no worth if they are not being utilized effectively. Organizations must utilize their resources by being competent. Competences in business policy are used to mean the activities and processes through which an organization deploys it resources effectively. Competences can either be threshold or core. Threshold competences are the essentials needed to compete in a given market, while core competences are the effective use of resources to gain competitive advantage. Importance of cost-efficiency: The management of cost-base of an organization can be a basis of achieving competitive advantage. Cost efficiency is driven by a number of cost drivers. [pic] How strategic capabilities can lead to sustainable competitive advantage: †¢ Value: Have resources that customers value in terms of products and services. Product or services must exceed consumer want and taste. †¢ Rarity: Having unique resources and competences in terms of personnel intellect, unique services rendered among other things. †¢ Robustness: A strong and well-built form of strategic capabilities that annot be imitated by competitors. †¢ Non-substitutability: Providing value to customers and possessing competences that are complex and casually ambiguous. Diagnosing Strategic Capability If organizations are to achieve competitive advantage by delivering value to customers, they need to understand how it is created. †¢ Value Chain: describes the activities within and around an organization whic h together create a product or service. †¢ Value Network: is the set of inter-organizational links and relationships that are necessary to create a product or service. Activity Maps: it shows how the different activities of the an organization are linked together †¢ Benchmarking: comparison of programs and strategic positions of competitors. †¢ SWOT: summary of key issues which affect the business environment. Managing and developing Strategic Capability: In order for managers to manage and improve the strategic capability of an organization, there are certain decisions and actions which can be taken which relate to the development of strategic capabilities within the organization and external environment. These include: Extending best practices: managers might identify strategic capabilities in one area of the business and then seek to extend this throughout all the business units. †¢ Adding and changing activities: this involves adding or changing capabilities so that they become more reinforcing of outcomes. †¢ Stretching competencies: managers may see the opportunity to build new products or services out of existing capabilities. †¢ Entrepreneurial Bricolage: strategic capability can be built by exploiting resources, skills, and knowledge which have been ignored: which is often what entrepreneurs who develop new business models do. Ceasing Activities: involves doing away with current activities not central to the delivery of value to customers. †¢ External Capability development: developing capabilities by entering into alliances and joint ventures. PART B: Background and Case summary EBay’s Background EBay is an online shopping and auction website where people and businesses buy and sell products and services. EBay was created in 1995 and they have over the years grown and expanded to over two dozen countries such as the United Kingdom, China and India. EBay recorded a profit of $367 million according to GAAP in their fourth quarter in the year 2008. Millions of collectibles, decor, appliances, computers, furnishings, equipment, vehicles, and other miscellaneous items are listed, bought, and sold daily on eBay. In 2005, eBay launched its Business & Industrial category, breaking into the industrial surplus business. Some items are rare and valuable, while many others are dusty gizmos that would have been discarded if not for the thousands of eager bidders worldwide. Case Summary: Making eBay work The ‘Making eBay Work’ case study is divided into three sections namely; eBay’s business model, eBay’s management and Competition and cooperation. EBay’s business model A business model describes the structure of product, service and information flows and the roles of the participating parties. Therefore the business model in eBay’s case includes its products and services and the interactions between buyers and sellers. The business model includes Value in eBay which is created by providing a virtual market for buyers and sellers. EBay listens to its customers and organizes Voice of the Customer groups which involve flying in a new group of about 10 sellers and buyers from around the country to its offices every few months to discuss the company in depth. Technology allows every move of every potential customer to be traced. Workshops and classes are held to teach people how to make the most of the site. EBay is governed from outside and within in the sense that the company’s system has a source of automatic control in the form of buyers and sellers rating each other on each transaction. Sales of illegal products are dealt with by withdrawing the item on sale and then banning the seller. EBay’s management Meg Whitman, an ex-consultant joined eBay in 1998 and has seen then heavily influenced the company’s management. Meg Whitman met a collection of Information Technology (IT) geeks who were handpicked by eBay’s founder Pierre Omidyar as top management of the company. Meg Whitman felt she needed to reshuffle and change the management as most of the top executives understood more of the IT side of the company rather than understanding the business side of the company. Respected consultants were then assigned senior management roles. This change brought about the company becoming data and metric driven: ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t control it. ’ This simply means that category managers made decisions based on measuring and acting upon the data within their fiefdom or departments. EBay has in time upgraded its ability to ensure that technology does not fail. The company’s website was plagued with outages in 1999 which shut down the site for a period of 22hours. The problems were as a result of software problems and lack of backup systems. Maynard Webb joined eBay to become the president of the company’s technology unit and has since then ensured a secure website by constantly upgrading the system. Meg Whitman is a manager who is known for leadership qualities such as understanding and flexible. She is a leader who buys into the company in more ways than one by auctioning some of her furniture from her ski condo in order to have an eBay selling experience. Competition and cooperation As the internet has become a more competitive arena, eBay has definitely not stood still. The company tries to be aware and flexible. EBay bought Skype, the internet telephony organization in 2005 at the cost of $2. 5 billion. A lot of controversy marked this acquisition as people considered it too risky and eBay fired back by saying the company can create an unparallel e-commerce engine, pointing to their 2002 purchase of the online payment system, PayPal. eBay also supported their action by saying three benefits would be realized as a result of the purchase; ‘the more members the company will acquire, the more valuable the company will become, and lastly the more likely eBay will become a world leader in managing network effects. In 2006, eBay announced a deal with Google and has since then become one of Google’s biggest advert customers. EBay also partnered with Baidu Inc, a Chinese web portal bought by eBay in 2002. Baidu promotes PayPal Beibao as the preferred method of payment on Baidu. Despite eBay success in the west, it is not as successful in the east. EBay had to pull out of Japan and is cur rently struggling in Taiwan and lagging behind a rival in China. GMarket in Korea had a less complex system and so had a larger market base; so eBay had to come up with eBay express to meet up to the customer needs in Korea. PART C: Case Questions Case Question #1: Analyze eBay strategic capability using an analytical framework from the chapter Strategic Capability can be defined as the resources and competences of an organization needed for it to survive and prosper. EBay’s case shows us the necessity of an organization having sustainable resources and competences. In analyzing their strategic capability, the SWOT framework (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) projects, clearly, the issues surrounding a business and deduces how this issues makes them strategically capable. Strengths: Bay’s greatest strength is that it is the first online auction site. Because of that, eBay is well trusted. The customer’s perception that he/she can buy a good without worrying, keeps him/her coming back. That is why, in 2006, eBay had 200 million customers. Out of that, 750,000 made their living from eBay. (Johnson, Scholes, & Whittington, 2008) From the case study, you can see a strong rel ationship between the business-to-customer and customer-to-customer relationship. For example, when a category manager sees a customer is having difficulty selling a product, he helps the customer by improving their presentation of the product. Also, eBay organizes â€Å"Voice of the Customer†were a group of 10 sellers and buyer are flown in from around the world, to discuss the company in depth. In regard to the customer to customer relationship, customers help each other by creating rules and norms to keep themselves safe from fraud. They also have websites, offering advice on how to sell on eBay. This relationship seems little, but it is not. It has taken at least 13 years to build it; that is why it would be very difficult for another company to break in. Another major strength eBay has is Meg Whitman who is a unique resource. She is well experienced. She previously worked with Procter and Gamble, Hasbro and Stride Rite, and went to Harvard business school. When she came in, she multi-tasked, filling many of the senior management roles such as the head of the US business, head of international operations and vice president of consumer marketing with consultants. Through her eBay has been re-defined; eBay has over thirty categories now (you can buy items ranging from books, cars, antiques to houses), their sales have increased and have acquired several firm- like Skype and PayPal- strengthening eBay alive and keeping it flourishing. Weakness Although things seem perfect, eBay has a number of weaknesses: Because items are sold online you can’t be certain of the person you are transacting with. EBay customers suffer from other fraudulent activities by other customers. For example, another customer maybe selling a Gucci hand bag for a reasonable price. When you pay for it and receive the bag, you realize the bag is not original. Another case of fraud occurs when stolen goods are sold. Fraudulent situations affect the customer to customer relationship. In addition, according to the case, in 1999 the site was shut down for 22 hours courtesy of software problems. This is a major weakness because eBay’s site cannot function when the system breaks down; auctioning cannot take place. During these periods, a lot of profit will be lost, affecting the business and customers. EBay would be affected more because of the amount spent on repairing. In the past, even the payment system, PayPal, has been shut down. Opportunities Opportunities are lucky breaks entrepreneurs use to get ahead of competition. Acquisitions provide new business strategy opportunities. In 2005, according to the case study, eBay bought Skype. It is an online telephone company. EBay acquired the firm for $2. 6 billion. Skype's software lets PC users talk to each other for free and make cut-price calls to mobiles and landlines. A lot of critics didn’t see the essence but for eBay it was a great opportunity. They were strengthening their threshold and unique resources. Skype is a unique resource because not a lot of businesses can afford to imitate that feat (spending $ 2. 6 billion). It is a threshold resource because Skype helps customers communicate more effectively. Through Skype, customers can see and hear each other; reducing the rate of fraudulent activities. In addition, eBay has opportunities through new and emerging markets. EBay has over 30 sites, were language differs. For example, if you go to the Chinese site, it wouldn’t be in English. But it wasn’t always like that before. This opportunity occurs when a country becomes more modernized, like Singapore. When it happens, eBay has an opportunity to increase its market segment. This is how eBay has been able to grow, over the years. Also, a product produced 5 years ago can still be sold and found on eBay. In a way, eBay keeps products alive. You can find a first edition magazines and old models of cars on eBay. This is one of eBay’s core competences. EBay keeps Markets current. Threats As with many of the global Internet brands, success attracts competition. (SWOT Analysis: Lesson, 2008) Competition is a threat because it reduces the amount of customers you have. From the case study, eBay has a big threat in Korea. GMarket is the Korean version of eBay. It is partly owned by Yahoo. Although Yahoo’s auctioning unit isn’t as strong as eBay, it can become a threat in the future. Already, because of Yahoo in Japan, eBay has pulled out. It doesn’t do well in the East because international competitors have a cultural edge over them. Furthermore, some costs cannot be controlled by eBay, which is a threat. â€Å"It is a threat because if a customer doesn’t understand why he has to pay extra, for example delivery charges and credit card charges, he might feel cheated. If fuel prices were to rise, the cost is passed on to the consumer in terms of delivery and postal fees. This could make the overall cost of an auctioned item too expensive, making customer’s look for cheaper prices†(SWOT Analysis: Lesson, 2008) Also, individuals pretend to be eBay staffs, using their logos, the send illegal e-mails. Case Question #2: What are the capabilities that have provided eBay with competitive advantage and why? hjogdnfjuhfe Case Question #3 Using the concept of sustainability and dynamic capabilities how would you manage (creating new resources and competences, investing/divesting in others extending others) Given: New entrants to market and the changing nature of eBay. Concept of Sustainability: Concepts of sustainability and dynamic capabilities are major strategies that organizations use to capture competitive edge over competitors. Sustainability of strategic capability deals with the criterion that organizations use to achieve and maintain competitive advantage over a long and sustainable period of time. Three main factors influence sustainable strategic capabilities; Inimitability, Rarity, and Value. Inimitability refers to the robustness or sturdiness of the strategic capability. It involves â€Å"identifying capabilities that are likely to be durable and which competitors find difficult to imitate or obtain†(Johnson, Scholes, & Whittington, 2008). Inimitability can be achieved through three main ways, they are; Complexity: Complexity of strategic capabilities is the quality of being intricate and compounded. When organizations like eBay have very complex strategies, it will be very difficult for new entrants to the market to imitate such strategies. An example of a complex strategy in eBay could be the internal linkages in the organization. These internal linkages deal with how eBay internally links activities and processes together to deliver customer value. Internal linkages can be in form of relationship between top-management, middle-management and lower management staff. EBay has a very good communication network that allows for efficiency which will in turn produce efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Organization can also build external interconnectedness with its customers to make it difficult for their strategies to be imitated. When developing new resources, organizations can seek opinions or partner with their customers or clients to generate idea that will add value to the company and also generate strategic capabilities that are robust in nature. †¢ Culture and history: Culture and history are very unique to each organization. It is almost impossible to find two organizations with similar cultural background. When investing or divesting in resources, organization should make sure their investment is culturally inclined. When strategies are linked to cultural embeddedness, there is the â€Å"likelihood that such competences have developed over time and in particular way. The origins and history by which competences have developed over time are referred to as path dependency, are specific to the organization and cannot be imitated†(Johnson, Scholes, & Whittington, 2008). Causal Ambiguity: Ambiguity deals with not being able to discern the meaning or cause of a particular effect. It is very difficult for organizations to imitate another organization when the former cannot easily discern the cause and effect of the latter’s success. Organizations like eBay have varying causal factors that affect its success in the industry that other competitors find hard to discern. Other factors that affect su stainable development include the rarity and value of the strategic capability. When an organization is seeking competitive advantage, it needs to make sure the resources it’s investing in have huge values to the customers and they should be very unique and rare capabilities. Unique resources and competences can include marketing strategies that are peculiar to the particular organization. Dynamic Capabilities The changing environment in the business world today calls for the implementation of dynamic capabilities. Dynamic capabilities are â€Å"an organization’s abilities to renew and recreate its strategic capabilities to meet the needs of a changing environment†(Johnson, Scholes, & Whittington, 2008). Dynamic capabilities help organization to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address the ever changing environment. When an organization is developing, investing, divesting or extending in resources, it should be able to transfer and modify existing resources to keep competitive edge over its competitors. The organization should have intellectual skills that can easily implement new capabilities to foster development. PART D: Implications and Recommendation Implications The following are the implications of the case study Making eBay Work: Competitive and Cooperative: Competition and Cooperation are one of the major elements used to successfully excel in the business world. Form the case it is observed that eBay is very competitive and cooperative. Competitive in the sense that eBay bought companies like Skype, the internet telephony organization (http://www. skype. com/) and PayPal an online payment system (www. paypal. com/) in order for it to keep up with the evolving activities on the internet. GMarket in Korea had a less complex system; so eBay created eBay express to meet up to customer needs in Korea. Bay is cooperative in the sense that it partnerships with companies like Google, yahoo and Baidu in other for it to be more effective in its services. Customer Friendly: Some organizations do not pay attention to the needs or complaints of their customers and take the appropriate measures to satisfy them, but eBay listens to customers and tries to keep up with what they want to sell, buy and how they want to do it. This brings about profitability, good reputation and more customers. So every organization should try to be customer friendly because it serves as an advantage to them. The great importance of Technology: The basis on which eBay operates is technology that’s why it’s of great importance to them. eBay endeavours to up grade their systems to fit the latest technology, make sure the site is accessible at all times, ensure no fraudulent activity or illegal transaction is carried out in the site and also ensures that the site is virus free. This helps eBay to operate effectively. Staying Aware and Flexible: eBay tries to stay aware and flexible at all times. The company tires to get feedback from customers, complaints, suggestions and also take note of customer activity on the site. This helps eBay to make necessary adjustments in other to satisfy their customers. Nearly all of its fastest-growing new categories emerged from registering seller activity in the area and quietly giving it a nudge at the right moment. For example eBay noticed a few car sells on the site so the company created a separate site called eBay Motors which has special features such as vehicle inspection and shipping. Organizations should try and stay aware and flexible in running while running their business. Good management can make a positive difference in an organization: Having a good manager or management body in an organization can make the organization excel. When Meg Whitman came into eBay in 1998 she made eBay become data and metric driven and she also brought about strategies which made eBay work better. eBay had a software problem and this caused the site to be shut down for 22 hours. When Maynard Webb was brought into the company as the president of eBay he quickly upgraded the systems and make sure they are upgraded constantly and this makes the site function more effectively. Have a good knowledge about a particular market before entering it: It is observed from the case that eBay is not doing well in the east but is doing well in the west. It pulled out of Japan, is suffering in Taiwan and it lags behind a rival in China. This shows that eBay those not have the right strategy to excel in those areas so it is advisable to have a vivid knowledge and strategy about a particular market or area before entering it in order to excel. Recommendations The following are the recommendations for the case Making eBay Work. eBay is not doing well in the east, in order for eBay to do well in the east it should either buy GMarket or partnership with GMarket in other to be successful. Since GMarket is big and successful it would not allow eBay to buy them so if eBay partnerships with GMarket it will be more successful in that area. If eBay is very tactical they can be better than GMarket in the long run. Like the saying goes â€Å"If you can’t beat them join them †. So eBay will be better off if it partnerships with GMarket. eBay pulled out of Japan, is suffering in Taiwan and it lags behind a rival in China. In business it is advisable never to give up so eBay should reengineer its self so it can function better in countries like Japan, Taiwan and China. †¢ One of the lessons of the chapter 3 (Managing strategic capability) is that strategic capability often lies in the day-to-day activities that people undertake in organizations. So developing the ability of the people at eBay in other to recognise the relevance of what they do in terms of strategic capability of the organization is important. Bay should organize training and development in specific areas and also develop people’s awareness that what they do in their jobs matters. This will help achieve competitive success and increase their motivation. Bibliography Johnson, G. , Scholes, K. , & Whittington, R. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy. Essex: Prentice Hall. S WOT Analysis: Lesson. (2008, February 12). Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT): http://www. marketingteacher. com/Lessons/lesson_swot. htm â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Experience Supply cost Product/process design Economies of Scale Cost Efficiency
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The technology for photovoltaic
1. Introduction1.1 Photovoltaic HistoryThe engineering for Photovoltaic dates back to over 160 old ages. A Gallic physicist, named Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, was the first to province his observations of the photovoltaic consequence in the nineteenth century. Since so, many scientists have worked to develop energy engineerings based on this consequence. The basic scientific discipline was foremost discovered in 1839 but the gait of advancement truly accelerated in three major pushs in the twentieth century. 1839 Experimenting with metal electrodes and electrolyte, nineteen-year-old Gallic physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel observes a physical phenomenon leting light-electricity transition 1883 Charles Fritts, an American discoverer, describes the first solar cells made from Se wafers 1888 Edward Weston receives first US patent for â€Å" solar cell †1901 Nikola Tesla receives US patent for â€Å" method of utilizing, and setup for the utlization of, beaming energy †Albert Einstein Makes His MarkIt was n't until Albert Einstein wrote his 1905 paper on the photoelectric consequence: â€Å" On a Heuristic Viewpoint Refering the Production and Transformation of Light †. 1905 Albert Einstein publishes paper on theory behind â€Å" photoelectric consequence †along with paper on relativity theory 1916 Robert Millikan provided experimental cogent evidence of Einstein ‘s theory on photoelectric consequence 1922 Einstein wins Nobel award for 1904 paper on photoelectric consequenceThe Commercial Solar Age BeginsBell Laboratories, while working on Si semiconducting materials, discovered Si had photoelectric belongingss and rapidly developed Si solar cells, accomplishing 6 % efficiency and early orbiters were the primary usage for these first solar cells. 1954 Bell Labs exhibits foremost high-octane Si PV cell. The New York Times forecasts that solar cells will finally take to a beginning of â€Å" illimitable energy of the Sun †. 1955 Western Electric sells commercial licences for Si PV engineerings ; early successful merchandises include PV-powered dollar measure modifiers and devices that decoded computing machine clout cards and tape. 1958 PV array powers radios on US Vanguard I infinite orbiter 1963 Sharp Corporation produces a feasible photovoltaic faculty of Si solar cells. Japan installs a 242-watt PV array on a beacon, the universe ‘s largest array at that clip. 1966 NASA launches Orbiting Astronomical Observatory with a 1-kilowatt PV array 1970s Research thrusts PV costs down 80 % , leting for applications such as seaward pilotage warning visible radiations and horns beacons, railway crossings, and remote usage where utility-grid connexions are excessively dearly-won 1973 Solarex Corp is founded by two ex-NASA scientists who worked on the development of satellite PV systems 1974 Japan formulates â€Å" Project Sunshine †to fuel PV research and development 1976 Kyocera Corp begins production of Silicon thread crystal solar faculties 1977 US Dept. of Energy establishes US Solar Energy Research Institute in Golden, CO 1980s Continued betterments in efficiency and cost enables PV to go a popular power beginning for consumer electronic devices, such as reckoners, tickers, wirelesss, lanterns and other little battery charging applicationsProgressive Governments Use Subsidies to Rush AdoptionTo spur acceptance, Germany and so Japan initiated considerable subsidy plans and now those markets exist mostly without subsidies. In 2007, California leads the US with a similar 10-year plan. 1990 Germany launches $ 500MM â€Å" 100,000 Solar Roofs †plan. The Cathedral of Magdeburg installs solar cells on the roof, taging the first installing on a church in East Germany 1991 President George H. W. Bush directs the U.S. Department of Energy to set up the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( reassigning the bing Solar Energy Research Institute ) in Sandia, NM 1994 Japan begins â€Å" 70,000 Solar Roofs †PV subsidy plan 1998 California initiates $ 112MM â€Å" Emerging Renewables Program †to fund discounts for & lt ; 30 kilowatt residential and commercial PV systems 2002 CA Public Utilities Commission begins $ 100MM â€Å" Self Generation Incentive Program †for & gt ; 30 kilowatt PV undertakings 2004 Five makers – Sharp, Kyocera, Shell Solar, BP Solar and RWE SCHOTT Solar – history for 60 per centum of the PV market. GE buys Astropower, the last leftover US independent PV maker 2006 The CA PUC demonstrates leading by sketching what will go the California Solar Initiative ( CSI ) , a 10-year, $ 3 billion solar subsidy plan. 2007 The CSI plan Begins and is good received by the market, with higher than expected application volume. 2008 Your company joins the aggressive list of California concern leaders who adopt solar power for their concern with Sunlight Electric. Sunlight Electric, LLC. , 2002-2009 )1.2 Photovoltaic Basics and Working PrinciplesThe term photovoltaic is derived by uniting the Grecian words – â€Å" exposure †, intending visible radiation, and â€Å" Gur †, intending bring forthing electricity -means â€Å" electricity from visible radiation †Photovoltaic which is abbreviated as PV is the term which is used to depict the solid province devices which are capable of direct transition of sunshine into direct current electricity. Sunlight is made up of photons which are distinct units of light energy. When these photons come in contact with a PV cell, some photons are absorbed by the semiconducting material stuff and the energy is transferred to negatrons. With this extra energy, the negatrons can get away from their atoms and can flux as current in an electrical circuit. PV systems are agencies of bring forthing electricity on-site from the Sun without any noise pollution and have no moving parts. These can hence theoretically bring forth energy boundlessly without necessitating any care. It is an established fact that in one hr the solar energy received by the Earth if converted into electricity can bring forth energy which is equal to the entire sum of energy consumed by all worlds in one twelvemonth. The basic edifice blocks of PV faculties are the PV cells. PV cells are made up of semi-conducting stuffs, which typically is silicon and is doped ( doping is the procedure of deliberately presenting drosss into an highly pure semiconducting material to alter its electrical belongingss ) with particular additives. The entire sum of current that can be produced is straight relative to the size of the cell, its transition efficiency, and the strength of sunshine received. PV cells are connected together to bring forth PV faculties. PV faculties can be connected in series and parallel to obtain the coveted electromotive force and current severally. When the PV faculties are fixed together ( in series or analogue ) they are called an array. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) PV arrays necessitate really small care no other than cleansing of the surfaces on occasion when and if they become soiled or if the PV arrays are being used in dust-covered locations. However for an efficient operation it is necessary to maintain them clear of snow, weeds and any other beginnings which can shadow a part or whole of the array. As the PV cells are connected in series ( particularly to bring forth the coveted electromotive force ) , so shadowing even one cell in a faculty will diminish the end product of the full faculty appreciably.1.3 Types of PV SystemsPhotovoltaic power systems are by and large classified in conformity with their functional and operational demands, the constellation of their constituents, and how these equipments are connected to other power beginnings and electrical tonss. The three chief categorizations are:stand-alone systemsintercrossed systemsgrid-connected or utility-interactive systems.Photovoltaic systems can be designed to supply either DC and/or AC power ; these can run interconnected with or independent of the public-service corporation grid, and can be connected with other energy beginnings and energy storage systems.a ) Stand Alone systemsStand-alone PV systems are designed to such that they can run independent of the electric public-service corporation grid. They are normally designed and sized to provide certain DC and/or AC electrical tonss. These types of systems are powered by a PV array merely. In many stand-alone PV systems, batteries are used to hive away energy during the twenty-four hours clip when the Sun radiances to be used at dark.B ) Hybrid SystemsThese are an drawn-out version of base entirely system as they consist of a combination of a PV array and a complementary agencies of electricity coevals such as a Diesel, gas or ai r current generator. In order for the operation of the two electricity bring forthing systems to be optimal, intercrossed systems typically require more sophisticated controls than any standalone PV systems. For illustration, in the instance of PV/diesel system the Diesel engine must be started when the battery reaches a given degree of discharge, and so stopped once more when the battery reaches an equal degree of charge. When a loanblend system is being used it is possible to utilize a smaller PV array and smaller batteries than would be required for an tantamount sized stand-alone system. Hence the entire cost of a intercrossed system may more cheaper to put in than a stand-alone system for some Celsius ) Grid or Utility Intertied SystemsGrid-connected or utility-interactive PV systems are designed such that they operate in analogue with and are interconnected with the electric public-service corporation grid. The most of import constituent in grid-connected PV systems is the inverter. The inverter is required to change over the DC power produced by the PV array into AC power which is in line with the electromotive force and power quality demands of the public-service corporation grid and is capable of automatically halt providing power to the grid when the public-service corporation grid is non energized. This system requires a bi-directional interface between the PV system AC end product circuits and the electric public-service corporation web, typically at the on-site distribution panel or at the service entryway. This allows the AC power which is being produced by the PV system to either supply to the on-site electrical tonss or to back-feed the grid when and if the PV system end product is greater than the on-site burden demand. At dark and during other periods when the electrical tonss required on-site are greater than the PV system end product, the balance of power required by the t ons is received from the electric public-service corporation. There is a safety characteristic built into all grid-connected PV systems, to guarantee that the PV system will non go on to run and feed back into the public-service corporation grid when the grid is down for service or fix.1.4 Photovoltaic System ComponentsTypical Components required for a Photovoltaic System are:PV Array:A PV Array is made up of environmentally-sealed PV faculties, which are aggregations of PV cells, the devices that convert sunlight to electricity.Balance of system equipment ( BOS ) :BOS includes climb and wiring systems which are used to incorporate the solar faculties into the structural and electrical systems. The wiring systems include all the isolation devices which are required for the District of Columbia and ac sides of the inverter, all the ground-fault protection equipment, and over current protections for the solar faculties. Most systems besides include a combiner board of some sort since most faculties require fuses for each faculty beginning circuit. Some inverters include this fuse and uniting map within the inverter enclosure.DC-AC inverter:An inverter is a device that takes the dc power from the PV array as an input and converts it into standard Ac power which is required by the tonss to which it is feeding.Batteries:This includes batteries and battery enclosures, battery charge accountant and separate sub-panel ( s ) for critical burden circuits.Metering:This includes metres to supply measuring of the system public presentation. Some metres can bespeak the use of energy.Other constituents:These include the public-service corporation switch and protections as required by the local public-service corporation section.1.5 Definition – Building Integrated PhotovoltaicThe acronym BiPV ( Building integrated Photovoltaic ) refers to systems and constructs in which photovoltaics are integrated within the edifice ; they take on the function of edifice elements fun ctioning a secondary intent such as roof, fa & A ; ccedil ; ade or a shading system every bit good as holding the map of bring forthing electricity. However bing edifices may be retrofitted by adding BIPV faculties on the top of already constructed constructions as good. The chief advantage of BiPV over the common non-integrated systems is that its initial cost can be offset by cut downing the sum that had to be spent on edifice stuffs and labor usually that the BIPV faculties replace. In add-on, as BIPV are an built-in portion of the edifice design, they by and large blend in better with the edifice and are more aesthetically more pleasing than other solar options It means that they give best consequences if built/constructed along with a building/structure. They should besides be planned together with the edifice. Yet, they could be built subsequently on. They require working together of many different experts, such as designers, civil applied scientists, electrical applied scientists and PV system interior decorators.1.6 Application of Building Integrated PhotovoltaicThe photovoltaics can be integrated with the edifices and constructions as follows:a ) Facade systemsThe BIPV system can be designed to move as an outer tegument and weather barrier as portion of the edifice envelope. BIPV systems are by and large the glass merchandises which are typically used as facade systems ( laminated and patterned glass ) , spandrel glass panels, and curtain wall. These can replace traditional building stuffs. Laminated glass is the most common BIPV merchandise used for the Fa & A ; ccedil ; ade systems. It is made up of two pieces of glass with PV solar cells sandwiched between these glass pieces, an encapsulant like ethylene-vinyl ethanoate ( EVA ) or another encapsulant stuff, and a translucent or coloured tedlar-coated polyester back-sheet. The designer can bespeak the spacing between solar cells, which will find the power supply and besides permit the design of inactive solar characteristics by modulating the sum of twenty-four hours illuming allowed to come in into the edifice The photovoltaics used as edifice frontages have many advantages as they bring in natural visible radiation, ocular contact with the nature and can lend as an of import component of inactive solar energy. These make it possible to conjugate production of energy, aesthetics and thermic comfort. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 )B ) Atrium systemsIn this system BIPV is a glass component joined with PV faculties that provides different shading degrees and can be designed to heighten indoor thermic comfort every bit good as usage of natural daytime. The semi-transparent PV faculties are most rather frequently used within the commercial atria as these can be used to replace traditional shading solutions which by and large have high care costs associated with them. However, compared to standard dual glazing systems, an component which incorporates either glandular fever or poly crystalline PV cells in a glass-glass building does come at a cost premium. But this cost premium can be offset as taking PV laminates for the atrium roof has multiple benefits for the edifice users, such as electricity coevals, solar shading, environmental and engineering statements, enhanced comfort and esteemed office workspace. Many researches have confirmed that the application of PV in atria is justified from both fiscal, environmental ( CO2 emanations ) and architectural positions. Using BIPV in the atria is possibly the most appropriate usage of PV today. As betterments happen in the cell efficiency and in peculiar the inverter dependability, it will further profit the economic sciences of PV atria and do its usage far more common topographic point. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( James, Jentsch. and Bahaj 2008 )degree Celsius ) Awning and Shading systemsA assortment of PV stuffs can be mounted onto a frontage in aesthetic mode to function as sunshades.vitamin D ) Roofing systemsThe BIPV roofing system replaces conventional roofing stuffs such as tiles, herpes zosters, and metal roofing. This system can be applied to atilt roofs every bit good as plane coverings. This system has several advantages other than bring forthing electricity such as decrease in care costs, pays back the installing costs in sho rter periods due to its privileged placement for the response of solar energy. BIPV applications in plane coverings have extra advantages like its capacity to widen the roof life through its belongings of protecting the insularity and membrane from ultraviolet beams and from debasement caused by rain. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 )1.7 Design IssuesIn order to obtain an optimal public presentation by the integrating of a photovoltaic system into edifices it is required to give due consideration to its constructability and functionality, as its installing is different from the conventional PV installing method which merely need back uping constructions opened to air. The efficiency of BIPV system is determined by the method that is applied to the edifice envelope, every bit good as the efficiency of PV system itself. In add-on to the general specifications of a PV system, there are assorted design factors that may make up one's mind the public presen tation of the BIPV systems. In any state of affairs of BIPV integrating, the undermentioned factors should be taken in consideration in all design and executing stage:Environmental Factors – Climatic informations – temperature, solar radiation – of the location must be known, this is because the solar entree, the incidence of solar radiation that reaches a PV surface at any given clip, determines the possible electrical end product of a BIPV system.It is besides of import to cognize the latitude of the topographic point and the solar orientation ( an disposition angle of the faculties ) as presentations have shown that a system installed at a tilt angle equivalent to the site latitude produces the greatest sum of electricity on an one-year footing. Care must be taken in order to avoid shadowing from the milieus. If merely a portion of PV array is shaded the energy loss can be over-proportional compared to the loss of incident solar energy.Structural Factors – These include the requested energy, weight and size of chosen faculty, ways of arrested development and operating and care schemes ( easiness of installing and handiness of system constituents ) of the BIPV system.For taking the type and size of BIPV three things which need to be considered are the energy required, architectural or aesthetic considerations, and economic factors. In order to find the coveted power evaluation of a BIPV system for a edifice, the entire electrical demands of the edifice demand to be evaluated. The optimal power evaluation of the BIPV system can so be calculated based on the part of the edifice ‘s electricity that will be supplied by this BIPV system. Architecturally, the size of the BIPV system is physically limited to the dimensions of the edifice ‘s available surface country. The balance between the sum of power required and the sum of surface country available can find the type of PV engineering that will be used. Each engineering has an associated scope of end product in watts per square pes or per square metre and cost per W.Aesthetic and Economic Factors – The faculty should suit in the milieus and must be harmonious with other building stuffs. It should be multifunctional ad replace, whenever possible, other building stuffs.Electrical issues – Electrical issues chiefly involve the public presentation and dependability of the inverters. BIPV systems include individual inverters, master-slave inverter constellations, modular inverters, and parallel independent or threading inverters.A BIPV system is most vulnerable to a single-point failure where the power generated from the BIPV array must be transformed and synchronized through the inverter from DC to AC power and so fed into the edifice or an electric public-service corporation system. If the inverter fails, the full system malfunctions. A BIPV system must be designed so that multiple inverters work together ensures greater system dependability. If one inverter malfunctions or requires care, it can be disconnected from the array and the BIPV system can still run.Safety Issues – With respects to the electrical safety issues, it is of import to observe that lightning, land mistakes, and power line rushs can all do high electromotive forces in otherwise low-tension BIPV systems. The international electric codifications, ordinances and edifice codifications are being amended to include PV engineerings and reference fire and safety issues refering BIPV design, installing, and care.( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) , ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 ) and ( Moor, Borg, Boer and Oldenkamp 2004 )2. PV Technology2.1 Current Status of technological Development of PhotovoltaicsPhotovoltaics industry has already become a billion dollar industry. This industry is sing rapid growing as there are concerns over fuel supplies and C e manations and this is taking the authoritiess and persons to disregard its current high costs. It will go genuinely mainstream when its costs are comparable to other energy beginnings. At the minute, it is about four times more expensive than other competitory commercial merchandises. Three coevalss of photovoltaics are being developed and these will take solar power into the mainstream.First Generation PVThese include the undermentioned types: Mono Crystalline Cells ( c-Si ) Poly Crystalline Cells ( mc-Si ) Wafer & A ; eacute ; quivalents ( re-crystallisation etc ) These types of single-junction, silicon-wafer devices are now normally referred to as the first- coevals ( 1G ) engineering. The First coevals solar cells are crystalline based photovoltaic cells that have dominated and still rule the solar faculty market. These solar cells use silicon wafers of between 4 †to 8 †size, and history for biggest portion of the planetary PV market. They are dominant because of their high efficiency and proved engineering. This is despite of the fact that their fabrication costs are really high ; a job that will hopefully be resolved by the 2nd coevals cells. The fabricating procedure of 1G solar cell involves high energy intensive production attempt and is labour intensive ; this has prevented important cost decreases. 1st coevals solar cells have the highest efficiency of all three coevalss, between 13 % to 20 % and nearing the theoretical modification efficiency of around 30 % .Second Generation PVThe following measure in the development of PV to cut down cost/W is to take the unneeded stuff from the cost equation by utilizing thin-film devices. Second-generatio n ( 2G ) engineerings are besides single-junction devices and are designed to utilize less stuff while seeking to keep the efficiencies of 1G PV. The chief types in this class are: Amorphous Silicon ( a-Si ) Cadmium Telluride ( CdTe ) Copper Indium Gallium Selenide – CuIn ( Ga ) Se2 – ( CIGS ) Second coevals cells, although significantly cheaper to bring forth than first coevals cells have lower efficiencies of between 6 % to 12 % . The chief advantages of 2nd coevals, thin-film solar cells, are the lower fabrication costs and their flexibleness. Thin-film engineering has led to the development of lightweight, aesthetically delighting solar inventions such as solar herpes zosters and solar panels that can be rolled out onto a roof or other surface. CdTe, CIGS and a-Si are applied in uninterrupted axial rotation to-roll or batch procedure to back uping substrates such as glass, unstained steel or polymer foil therefore cut downing material mass and therefore costs. It is going obvious that the 2nd coevals cells will rule the residential and power public-service corporation solar applications, particularly as new, higher-efficiency cells are being researched and produced. It is now an accepted fact that as fabrication techniques evolve the production of 2nd coevals engineerings will derive important market portion in the following decennary. Even among major makers there is surely a tendency towards 2nd coevals engineerings.Third Generation PVThird-generation ( 3G ) attack to photovoltaics ( PVs ) aims to accomplish high efficiency devices but still utilizing thin-film, second-generation deposition methods. The construct is that this should be achieved merely by a little addition in cost and therefore cut downing the cost per Watt extremum. Increasing efficiency agencies lower costs because as smaller country is required for a given power this will besides cut down the costs of balance-of-system equipment, and therefore the efficiency values could dramatically diminish these costs per Watt extremum. In order to accomplish efficiency betterments, devices have to get the better of the bounds for single-bandgap devices that limit efficiencies to either 31 % or 41 % , depending on concentration ratio ( Figure 8 ) . This requires multiple energy threshold devices. Multiple energy threshold devices can be achieved in many different ways:( a ) By increasing the figure of energy degrees ;The construct of absorbing different subdivisions of the solar spectrum, by agencies of multiple energy degrees can be applied in many different device constructions.Tandem or multicolor cellsThe tandem or multicolor cell is the easiest of all the constellations. Solar cells made up of p-n junctions in different semiconducting material stuffs of increasing bandgap are placed on top of each other, such that the sunshine is foremost intercepted by the stuff of highest bandgap.– III-V tandemsThese are multi-junction cells that consist of multiple thin movies produced utilizing molecular beam epitaxy and / or metalorganic vapor stage epitaxy. Each type of semiconducting material has a characteristic set spread energy which allows it to absorb light most expeditiously over a part of the spectrum. The pick of semiconducting materials is such that they absorb abo ut the full solar spectrum, and generate electricity from as much of the solar energy as possible.Concentrator systemsConcentrator cells consist of four- or even five-bandgap cells. These are non merely higher in efficiencies but besides have higher electromotive force and lower current than three-bandgap cells. This reduces the series opposition losingss which is an of import factor for concentrator cells. Tandems suit the concentrator systems because as the figure of cells addition in the stack, the voltage-to-current ratio besides increases and this decreases the resistive losingss in the high current densenesss of concentrator cells. However, concentrators do non work with an cloudiness sky and necessitate direct sunshine for proper operation, unlike flat-plate cell faculties.Thin-film tandems – a-Si tandems, Si nanostructure tandemsA tandem thin-film Si solar cell comprises of a crystalline substrate, a first unit cell positioned on the transparent substrate, the first unit cell consisting a p-type window bed, an i-type absorber bed and an n-type bed, an intermediate contemplation bed positioned on the first unit cell, the intermediate contemplation bed including a hydrogenated n-type microcrystalline Si oxide of which the O concentration is profiled to be bit by bit increased and a 2nd unit cell positioned on the intermediate contemplation bed, the 2nd unit cell consisting a p-type window bed, an i-type absorber bed and an n-type bed.Intermediate-level cells: dross PV and intermediate set solar cellsThe attack adopted with these devices is to present one or more energy degrees within the bandgap such that they absorb photons in analogue with the normal operation of a single-bandgap cell. This semi-parallel operation offers the potency to be much less spectrally sensitive but to still give high efficiencies.( B ) Multiple bearer brace coevals per high energy photon or individual bearer brace coevals with multiple low energy photons ;Carriers generated from high-energy photons ( at least twice the bandgap energy ) absorbed in a semiconducting material can undergo impact ionisation events ensuing in two or more bearers near to the bandgap energy. But impact ionisation has a vanishingly little chance in bulk stuff. A device based on this attack requires a agency of leting the multiple electron-hole braces to be separated, transported, and collected in a m ajority construction. This is the topic of ongoing research.( degree Celsius ) Capturing bearers before thermalization.The concluding option for increasing efficiencies is to let soaking up of a broad scope of photon energies but so to roll up the photogenerated bearers before they have a opportunity to thermalize. A hot-carrier solar cell is merely such a device that offers the possibility of really high efficiencies but with a construction that could be conceptually simple compared with other really high efficiency PV devices – such as multijunction massive tandem cells. For this ground, the attack lends itself to thin-film deposition techniques with their attendant low stuff and energy use costs and the ability to utilize abundant, atoxic elements.Summary of Cell Efficiencies for 1G, 2G and 3G PhotovoltaicsThe Graph 3 shows a historic sum-up of cell efficiencies for assorted photovoltaic engineerings. The multijunction solar cells have achieved the highest efficiencies, an d these are increasing at a rate of about 1 % per twelvemonth in recent old ages. The efficiencies of the Multijunction cell have the potency to near 50 % in the coming old ages. ( Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. ( 2008 ) ; Conibeer, G. , ( 2007 ) ; Ruoss, D. ( 2008 ) )2.2 Future Challenges and DevelopmentsAs we have discussed, advancement in PV engineering should be measured in $ /W, and many scientific progresss, as intriguing though they may be, will merely be relevant to the industry if they can be implemented at low-cost costs. In this sense, we can imagine two paths to cheaper photovoltaic energy that will be brought approximately by new scientific discipline and 3G constructs. The first is based on the matter-of-fact usage of new engineering to better the public presentation or diminish the cost of current devices. The 2nd, more radical, possibility might affect new whole-device constructs. Indeed, in recent old ages we have seen the outgrowth of dye-sensitised ( Gratzel, 2001 ) and polymer-based solar cells ( including organic/inorganic loanblends ) ( see Brabec and Sariciftci, 2001 ; Kanicki, 1986 ) as basically new types of device, and although none of these have come near to surpassing wafer- based Si devices in cost or efficiency, there is every opportunity that these devices could show step-change betterments or that new types of device may yet emerge. ( Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. 2008 ) The PV industry is continuously seting attempt towards cost decrease so that PV could go a self-sustained industry without the demand for subsidies. Characteristic developments in solar industry are the undermentioned:Strong investing in thin-film industry. Companies based on Si, such as QCells are puting in subordinates based on thin-film engineering. Besides LCD equipment makers are developing equipment for solar industry and even complete lines for thin-film production ( such as Oerlikon or Applied Materials ) ; a diverseness of technological inventions.Reaching stableness and device dependability for cheaper engineerings, such as dye-sensitised cells.12 17 October 2008 ZONNESTROOM 2008Expansion of fabrication volume and accomplishment of lower costs, such as the instance of First Solar.Silicon deficit is driving investings into poly-Si workss. Another tendency is the production of metallurgical Si, which allows for less capital costs for production machinery and tools.ribbon/shee t adult Si, capital costs and the sum of Si used can be diminished.Thinner Si wafers and new poly-Si stuff supplies.Faster processing/higher production volume.Growth of the market for BIPV ( Building Integrated PV ) merchandises and flexible PV merchandises.Concentrating engineering could go attractive due to take down solar electricity costs in really cheery states ( Africa, USA, Middle East, India, China, Mexico and Australia ) .Emerging of new PV engineerings.As the industry and the volumes produced are acquiring larger and larger, more attending will hold to be paid to the undermentioned issues: As the industry and the volumes produced are acquiring larger and larger, more attending will hold to be paid to the undermentioned issues:Natural stuffs constrictions for different engineerings ( inexpensive solar quality glass, Te and In ) . Procuring natural stuffs supply is necessary.Reduce waste, both of natural stuffs and of resources used in production.Bing able to pull extremely qualified and good trained forces. ( Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. 2008 )3. Costss and Benefits3.1 Costss of PV Systems3.2 Advantages, Disadvantages and restrictions of BIPV Systems3.3 Future Costss4. DecisionsThe solar market is dining. The solar market has shown mean growing rate of more than 35 % over the last 10 old ages. The market value was estimated to be 13 billion Euros in 2007 and over 100,000 people have found employment in the solar concern. The cost of solar panels continues to drop every bit good. Since the early old ages of solar panels, panel monetary values have dropped by 20 % for each duplicating in cumulative production. Important states for the solar market are Germany, Japan, the US and non the least far Asiatic states with China as a strong Centre point. The renewable energy market is no longer a niche market. It was about a $ 150 billion market in 2007. Almost 60 % of this was spent on renewable power coevals undertakings in plus finance, which accounts for 23 % of all new power coevals capacity worldwide in 2007. Solar investing truly took off in 2007, when $ 28.6 billion of new investing flowed into solar, of which $ 18 billion ( approx. ˆ13 billion ) was spent on freshly installed PV power. The one-year growing is at an mean rate of 254 % since 2004. It is seen now as a mature market by fiscal establishments. The market portion of the pillar of the solar industry, crystalline PV faculties, has still a market portion of approximately 90 % but the thin movie faculties are catching up. A batch of production installations are coming into production the coming old ages. In an international position, it is expected that the solar market will go on its high growing rates ( ~30-40 % per twelvemonth ) in the coming old ages. The coming old ages will demo an enlargement in the thin movie production capacity. However, crystalline Si will remain an of import pillar of the solar industry. Production is demoing a displacement toward Asia ( China, Taiwan, Philippines ) . Nevertheless production capacity is besides being built in Europe. In the short term, an glut state of affairs could originate. In the longer term the market will be able to catch up with the enlargement in production capacity that will happen in the coming few old ages. From the fiscal market position solar is now seen as a mature market which is safe to put in. International related investings financess and venture capitalists are puting more and more capital in solar companies and undertakings. Large investings are needed in the sector to let for high growing rates in the coming old ages. On the engineering side, In an international context, the relationship between a strong industry and a strong place market is good seeable. The market in Japan ‘collapsed ‘ after subsidies were terminated and Japan lost it ‘s international top place in production. At this minute, nowhere in the universe can be found so many thin movie start-up companies as in Germany, where presently the most PV faculties are sold. A strong internal market besides creates occupations in the installing sector. In footings of occupation Creation. Forexample: Germany has 40.000 occupations in PV, Grid para may be reached in the Netherlands in 2015 or even earlier every bit good. It should be realized though that the volumes necessary to make this low PV kWhprice will hold to be realized and it will non go on if everybody starts waiting for grid para. Besides, it is non expected that the PV-consumer market will straight take off every bit shortly as grid para is reached. Grid para is in fact already reached in South Italy by now, but the market is still little. However, a sufficiently interesting pay back clip, consciousness of the possibilities and willingness to pay up forepart for families and an substructure able to offer cost-efficient rooftop PV-systems will hold to be in topographic point for this to go on. Last but non least, a batch will depend on the development of the conventional electricity monetary values in the old ages to come. ( Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. 2008 )5. MentionsWekken, T ( 2007 ) . Power quality and Utilisation Guide, Distributed coevals and renewables, photovoltaic installings [ on-line ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]Eiffert.P and Kiss.G.J. ( 2000 ) , Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Designs for Commercial and Institutional constructions. A Sourcebook for Architects [ online ] . NREL/BK-520-25272. Available from hypertext transfer p rotocol: // [ Accessed on 13 Dec 2009 ]Sunlight Electric, LLC. , 2002-2009 [ online ] Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]Wisconsin Public Service Corporation ( 2000 ) [ on-line ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]James, P.A.B, Jentsch, M.F. and Bahaj, A.S. , ( 2008 ) Quantifying the added value of BiPV as a shadowing solution in atria. Solar Energy Journal, [ online ] 83 ( 2 ) pp 220-231. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6V50-4T7HYK9-2-T & A ; _cdi=5772 & A ; _user=129520 & A ; _orig=browse & A ; _coverDate=02 % 2F28 % 2F2009 & A ; _sk=999169997 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzz-zSkzk & A ; md5=947f9679e28a5d75fdd0842654bd3387 & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed 14 Dec 2009 ]Jesus, L. , Manuela, A. and Pereir a, E. , ( 2005 ) The Difficulties of Implementation of BIPV in Portugal, rejection or absentation? [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 27 Oct 2009 ]Moor, H.H.C. , Borg, N.J.C.M. , Boer, B.J. and Oldenkamp, H. , ( 2004 ) , Lay-out of Building incorporate PV systems. In: fifth ISES Europe Solar Conference June 2004, Freiburg Germany [ online ] . Available from file transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 14 Dec 09 ]Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. ( 2008 ) Photovoltaic Technologies. Energy Policy, [ online ] 36 ( 12 ) pp 4390-4396. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6V2W-4TW0SWR-5-C & A ; _cdi=5713 & A ; _user=129520 & A ; _orig=browse & A ; _coverDate=12 % 2F31 % 2F2008 & A ; _sk=999639987 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzz-zSkWA & A ; md5=3cc7fe5f76574e4d9b fc13a2c1d96f37 & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed 17 Dec 2009 ]EurObserv'ER, PhotovoltaicEnergyBarometer,2008 [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]A Guide to Photovoltaic ( PV ) System Design and Installation, 2001 [ on-line ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 14Dec 09 ]Ruoss, D. ( 2008 ) Market Overview of Silicon and Non-Silicon Technologies and a Perspective of the PV Market and Technologies Development [ online ] . Available from option=com_docman & A ; task [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Conibeer, G. , ( 2007 ) , Third-generation photovoltaics. Materials Today [ online ] 10 ( 11 ) pp 42-50. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6X1J-4PWDT21-M-K & A ; _cdi=7244 & A ; _user=10 & A ; _orig=search & A ; _coverDate=11 % 2F30 % 2F2007 & A ; _sk=999899988 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzW-zSkzV & A ; md5=84028f687bf61e4d4cfb276fab93973b & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Geisz, J. , Olson, J. , Friedman D. , Kurtz, S. , McMahon, W. , Romero, M. , Reedy, R. , Jones, K. , Norman, A. , Duda, A. , Kibbler, A. , Kramer, C. , and Young, M. ( 2004 ) III- V/Silicon Lattice-Matched Tandem Solar Cells. In: DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Review Meeting, October 2004, Denver, Colorado [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Kolodziej, A. , Wronski, C.R. , Krewniak, P. and Nowak, S. ( 2000 ) Silicon thin movie multijunction solar cells.Opto-Electronics Review [ online ] 8 ( 4 ) pp339-345. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 4 ) 339.pdf [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. ( 2008 ) Solar Electricity 2008 – A Technical and Economic Overview [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 16 Dec 09 ]6.0 BIPV TerminologyBuilding-integrated photovoltaic ( BIPV ) is a comparatively recent new application of photovoltaic ( PV ) energy engineerings. These are some of the basic footings used in depicting PV engineerings, BIPV merchandises, and their utilizations: Antireflection coating– a thin coating of a stuff that reduces light contemplation and additions light transmittal ; it is applied to the surface of a photovoltaic cell. Balance of System ( BOS )– Non-PV constituents of a BIPV system typically include wiring, switches, power conditioning units, metres, and battery storage equipment ( if required ) . Bypass rectifying tube– a rectifying tube connected across one or more solar cells in a photovoltaic faculty to protect these cells from thermic devastation in instance of entire or partial shading of single cells while other cells are exposed to full visible radiation. Conversion efficiency– Sum of electricity a PV device green goodss in relation to the sum of light reflecting on the device, expressed as a per centum. Curtain wall– an exterior wall that provides no structural support. Encapsulant– Plastic or other stuff around PV cells that protects them from environmental harm. Grid-connected– Inter-tied with an electric power public-service corporation. Inverter– Device that transforms direct-current ( DC ) electricity to jumping current ( AC ) electricity. Faculty– Commercial PV merchandise incorporating interrelated solar cells ; faculties come in assorted criterion sizes and can besides be custom-made by the maker. PV array– Group or twine of affiliated PV faculties runing as a individual unit. PV laminate– Building constituent constructed of multilayers of glass, metal or plastic and a photovoltaic stuff. PV solar cell– Device made of semiconducting material stuffs that convert direct or spread light into electricity ; typical PV engineerings are made from crystalline, polycrystalline, and formless Si and other thin-film stuffs. Solar entree– Sunstroke incidence of solar radiation that occurs on a PV system ‘s surface at any given clip ; it determines the possible electrical end product of a BIPV system. Stand-alone– Remote control power beginning offprint from an electric public-service corporation grid ; a stand-alone system typically has a battery storage constituent. ( Eiffert.P and Kiss.G.J. 2000 )
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