Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Make Homemade Fizzy Bath Bomb Balls
Use your chemistry skills to make a fizzy, scented bath bomb (bath ball). Make them for yourself or give them as gifts. Its pretty easy to make and takes only about 15 minutes. Fizzy Bath Bomb Chemistry Fizzy bath bombs or bath seltzers are an example of an acid-base reaction. The citric acid (weak acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, a weak base) react together to release carbon dioxide gas. This gas forms the bubbles. The citric acid and baking soda dont react until they are in an aqueous (water-based) solution. The cornstarch helps keep the bath bombs dry until you add them to the bath. You could substitute Epsom salts in place of the cornstarch if you prefer. What You Need for Bath Bombs 2 tablespoons citric acid2 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 cup baking soda1/4 teaspoon fragrance oil3 to 6 drops of food color3 tablespoons vegetable oil How to Make a Bath Bomb Mix all dry ingredients (citric acid, cornstarch, baking soda) in a bowl.In a different bowl or a small cup, mix the vegetable oil, fragrance, and coloring together.Slowly incorporate the oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Mix well.Roll clumps of the mixture into 1-inch balls and put them on waxed paper. They will be semi-hard within two to three hours, but allow 24 to 48 hours for them to fully dry before storing them.Store bath balls in a sealed container, away from moisture.Add a few to the bath and enjoy! For gift-giving, the balls may be placed in individual candy cups. Useful Tips Fragrance and/or coloring is optional.Suggested vegetable oils include coconut oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, or olive oil, although any emollient oil will work.Use small molds to make three-dimensional fizzy bath shapes.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The First Modern President Of The United States - 1069 Words
The First Modern President of the United States: Theodore D. Roosevelt Some may wonder why Theodore Roosevelt would deserve the title â€Å"the First Modern President†. He accomplished many things, and although he was liked by most, he promised he would not run a second term. In his short four years as president, Theodore Roosevelt was able to pass many acts such as: Dolliver-Hepburn Railroad Act, Extension of Forest Reserve, National Irrigation Act, Improvement of waterways and reservation of waterpower sites, Safety Appliance Act, Employers’ Liability Act, Regulation of railroad employees’ hours of labor, Establishment of Department of Commerce and Labor, Pure Food and Drugs Act, and the Federal meat inspection. Theodore Roosevelt was born†¦show more content†¦Theodore Roosevelt’s mother also died the same day in the same house, he was brokenhearted and in misery leading him to temporarily leave politics and become a cattle rancher in the Dakota s. Two years later, he married his childhood friend, Edith Kermit Carow. They had a total of five children, four boys and a girl: Theodore Ted III (1887–1944), Kermit (1889–1943), Ethel (1891–1977), Archibald (1894–1979), and Quentin (1897–1918). Before being president, Theodore Roosevelt was many things: a member of the New York State Assembly, a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York City Police Board, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, and Vice President from March-September 1901 when he succeeded to the presidency. Theodore Roosevelt became president on September 14, 1901 after President McKinley was assassinated on September 6, 1901. He was the youngest president the nation had ever had; he was 42 years old. He served through most of the first decade of the 1900’s. He was determined to build a canal across the Panama. The United States helped Panama gain its freedom from Colombia. The U.S. then ma de a treaty with Panama to gain the canal zone for $10 million including annual payments. Theodore Roosevelt was very involved in foreign policy. He added the Roosevelt Corollary to the
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Creating and Developing Innovations
Question: Discuss about the Creating and Developing Innovations. Answer: Introduction: Innovation is the process of production, assimilation, adoption and exploitation of a value added novel service in the social and economic spheres such as enlargement or renewal of the market or the product, development of the new production process or renewal of the new management system. The innovation process is the process of discovering, creating and developing the idea, refining the innovation idea into the useful form and gain profit from them. This report will study the innovation process in the Fair deal company. The Fair deal company is the company that manufactures the personal care products, both for men and women. The company wants to innovate its product by giving them look through the attractive packaging because the attractive packaging can support to attract more and more customers towards the product and hence an increase in the sale of the product (Franke, Keinz and Klausberger, 2013). This innovation will support the company in having the competitive advantage over the other same type of the products. But, the company knows that there is a need of the proper innovation process and its proper implementation and management to assure the success of the innovation. Creating and Developing Innovations: The innovation process poses a number of challenges (Bguin, 2007). If the one step of the innovation process is weak, or if the company does not follow a systemic process for the implementation of the innovative idea, the success of the innovation idea will be uncertain. But, if the company follows the right path of the proper innovation process, then the benefits of the innovation can be achieved. In the innovation process, the manager of the company plays a vital role in the innovation process. In management, Policy and Practice of the innovation, following are the areas where the manager can assist the innovation process. There is a need that manager pays attention to the details of the operation of the project of the innovation constantly. Managers should have the constant attention that the project of the innovation is working well or not and have eased to take the responsibility of the innovation task; he or she should provide a learning atmosphere for the employees so that they can explore themselves and innovate new ideas (J Haron, 2016). The manager should have clearer communication with the employees in the selection and evaluation of the innovative idea. There should be provision for the clear-cut protocols that will help both employees and manager to focus on the robust criteria for the innovation. The manager must rapidly respond to the constituents that are external and provide instant opinions to the experimentation. The efficient and worthy questions support to make this process efficient and effective (Fruehauf, Seeger and Topaly, 2005). The most and important thing that must in consideration of the manager is the desire and need of the customer during the innovation process. The use of the creative technology that is computing infrastructure and data mining is necessary for the consideration of the customer perception and desire. Hence, the success of the innovation process mainly depends on upon the effective role of the manager. So, the responsibility of the manager of the Fair Deal Company is very high in the innovation process. In the above-mentioned area, the manager of the Fair Deal Company should work hard and ineffective manner for the success of the innovation process. For the proper implementation and management of the innovation process, the company has to follow the five steps of the innovation process that are as follows. 1. Generation and mobilization of the innovative idea 2. Advocacy of the innovative idea and its screening 3. Experimentation 4. Commercialization 5. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation Generation and mobilization of the innovative idea This step involves the generation of the new ideas and movement of the idea in the other department or outside the organization. Innovation idea is created for the improvement of an older idea or the existing idea. For example, the Apple Company innovated the idea of the manufacturing the iPod after the three years of MP3 player introduction that has the capability of 1000 songs (Klein and Dologite, 2000). The other example is the invention of the scotch tape was the brand new innovation. There is also a Richard Drews story; he is the college dropout student that saw the need for the special type of tapes that did not ruin the cars paint. He faced a number of hurdles in completing his invention, but his strong will and work ethic forced the company to give 15% of their working time to spend in the innovation process and they succeed in manufacturing that type of tapes. So, the fair deal company has two mobile the idea of innovation in the packaging and provides the time to the employ ees to spend on the newer ideas for the attractive type of packaging. How they can develop an attractive packaging, what type of container should be used, what type of material for packaging and so on? According to management, Policy and Practices of the innovation process, the manager of the company has an important role in the innovation process (Paulus and Brown, 2007). Manager of the Fair Deal Company should focus on the innovation process as the over-enforcement on the employees of the company can insist the employee leave the company for the stable job or negligence or lesser intention to the innovation process by the employee will decrease the idea generation and the urgency of the innovative idea. Advocacy of the innovative idea and its screening Once the company employs the employees for the creation of the new idea of the innovation, a number of ideas were innovated by the employees. Not all the innovative ideas can be implemented by the company, so the company has to screen out the best idea that is effective and with the budget of the company (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). For this, the company has to follow the second step of the innovation process advocacy and screening. In this step, the company has to do the evaluation of the innovative ideas and measurement of the key potential and benefits of the innovation ideas. Refinement is the best advantage of the joint approach of advocacy and screening. If an idea has a discussion, potential and arguments support to enhance it. The study of management, Policy and Practices of the innovation describes that how this step develop an innovation idea for the upper management that can be a call for a separate approach (Igartua and Albors, 2011). Because the employees that have genera ted the innovation idea do not have the skills to advocate it, the manager is the important person that facilitates supports and encourages the innovation idea generator. The Fair deal company should build a culture of the robust that can develop through the following practices. The first practice is to provide the adequate avenues to have feedback and advocacy. The second practice is that the company should understand the hurdles or problems faced by the employee during innovation of an effective idea. The third one practice is the company has the protocol that has transparent screening and evaluation. Experimentation In the step of experimentation, an innovative idea is tested on the basis of protocol or through the pilot test. The management Policy and Practices of the innovation describe that experimentation is just testing the merit and demerits of the innovation idea; it also tested on the basis sustainability of the company at a particular time. Some innovation idea may be beyond the capacity of the organization at the present time or may be ahead of the companys time. These innovation ideas should be saved in the innovation diary or a library for the future of the company (Acemoglu, Bimpikis and Ozdaglar, 2011). Experimentation can be done continuously or in the parts because advocates and the person who are going to screen the idea reevaluate the innovative idea. In some cases, experimentation leads to the newer idea because of the gathered information and evaluating the possibility of the original idea. In this process or step of experimentation, time is very crucial (Vetter, 2014). The e mployees should be given appropriate time to carry out the proper experimentation. As in this step, evaluation and refinement of the idea occur the enough time is required for the experimentation. Most of the companies experiment with the new services and product. For example, in 2007 the amazon experiments its service of the grocery delivery in the Seattle Suburbs, after the success of this experiment, the Amazon expanded its service in the other countries also (Vetter, 2014). The Fair Deal Company should do the experimentation with one or two of the products that the company should change the packaging of the one or two products and then observe the success of their packaging over the sale. If the sale of this two innovated product is increased due to the attractive packaging, then the rest of the product should also be packaged in attractive packaging. If this does not happen, then the company tries for the new packaging (Tricou, 2009). Commercialization Once, the innovative idea is refined and experimented, it could be used to target the audience and to meet the requirements of the customers. The aim of the commercialization is to create the market value of the innovation idea by focusing on the potential impact of the idea. This step involves the appealing of the idea to the audience that is the packaging of an innovative idea with the other ideas, clarification of how and when the innovation idea is used and use of the experimental data to describe the benefits of the innovation idea. The commercialization of the innovative idea is important to explore the market value of the product. The specification of the innovative idea is the important feature of the commercialization (Stevens, Johnson and Sanberg, 2011). The actual benefits of the innovation idea can be achieved and communicated only if the earlier potential and promises of the innovation idea are discarded. Commercialization is the process or step of the innovation where t he focus moves from preparation to persuasion. When an innovation idea is clarified after experimentation, it is ready for the diffusion and implementation process. The Fair Deal Company should do the proper commercialization of the newest innovative idea to explore the market value of the innovation idea after its experimentation. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation This is the final and critical step of the innovation process. Diffusion of the innovative idea and its implementation are the two sides of the single coin. Diffusion is the acceptance of the innovation idea by the whole of the company and the implementation is everything that is used for the utilization and development of the innovation in the company. At all levels of the organization, diffusion occurs (O'Connor, 2003). The process of innovation is aided by the knowledge brokers that are an effective presentation of the innovation through the awareness of the particular content and application into which the innovation is inserted. Hence, the knowledge brokers assist the rapid implementation of the innovation. As the diffusion is the process of the acceptance of the innovation by all the members of the organization. For acceptance, there should be frequent and clear communication about the innovation in the employees, managers, and management. All the members should be clear that why this innovation is urgent to survive in the competitive world. For the implementation, the company should follow all the process and programs that are necessary for the development of the innovation such as equipment, material, training, procedure and so on. For the diffusion of the innovation idea and its implementation, The Fair Deal Company should have a clear communication with the employees, managers and management and motivation of the employees for the same, so that the employees gave their best performance in the innovation (Vetter, 2014). For the more clarification on the innovation, knowledge brokers should be added that will highlight the specific content of the innovation and support its rapid propagation. For the implementation of the innovation, the Fair Deal Company should do everything that is required for the same that is equipment, material, designing, training of the production and packaging team and so on. The new packaging of the personal care product requires the new material for the packaging, new equipment, new packaging procedure, training of the employees and so on. The company should do the arrangement for the all that and make the budget for the same and start its implementation (Vinodh, Devadasan and Rajanayagam, 2006). Hence, the innovation process is the complicated one and its success depends on upon the systematic approach of the innovation process. There should be the establishment of the culture for the innovation (Vinodh, Devadasan and Rajanayagam, 2006). The environment that is open and supportive is effective for the innovation and is the basis of the successful innovation and the recognition and growth of the employees that well contributed to the success of the company. This innovative culture can help in the growth of both an employee and the company. Hence the Fair Deal Company should provide the culture that is helpful in the innovation and promotes the success of the company and the employees both. The company should create an open and supportive environment that will support the success of the innovation process (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). If the innovation process expands the sale of the product and supports the growth of the company, the employees that have a major contribution in the innovation should be recognized and promoted for their contribution. This helps in the motivation of the same employee and other employees also. Hence the performance of the company and its innovation process leads to the success of the company and survie in the competitive world. Conclusion In this report, the fair deal wants to innovate its personal product by providing attractive packaging that will more persons towards them and increases the sale personal care product of the Fair Deal Company. For this company will use the five steps of the innovation process that will help in the proper implementation of the innovation and assure its success. These five steps of the innovation support the proper, efficient implementation of the innovation and explore its success through the experimentation (Perttula and Sipil, 2007). Through the five steps of the innovation, the number of innovative ideas originates by the employees, from these innovative ideas the screening of the effective, innovative ideas is carried out, some of the ideas that are suitable for the current position of the company is stored in the idea library for the future, this innovative idea can help the company in the future (Nanda and Rhodes-Kropf, 2016)The experimentation of the innovation idea explores th e success of the innovation prior to implementation, hence the company can save the implementation cost if the innovation did not succeed in the experimentation. The commercialization supports to explore the market value of the product. The diffusion and implementation step increase the acceptance of the innovation by the employees of the company and makes its implementation easier. In the innovation process, the manager has an important role; he or she can create the environment that is supportive of the innovation. The manager should constantly observe the details of the innovation project. He should have clear and open communication with the employees so that the employees can know about the screening protocol of the innovative idea (O'Connor, 2003). In addition to the employees concern, the managers should take consideration of the desire of the customers. In the last, for the success of the innovation of newer packaging, the employees, and the manager of the Fair Deal Company s hould effectively follow the five-step of the innovation. References Acemoglu, D., Bimpikis, K. and Ozdaglar, A. (2011). 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The role of computer support tools and gender composition in innovative information system idea generation by small groups.Computers in Human Behavior, 16(2), pp.111-139. Nanda, R. and Rhodes-Kropf, M. (2016). Financing Entrepreneurial Experimentation.Innovation Policy and the Economy, 16(1), pp.1-23. O'Connor, P. (2003). Implementing a Stage-Gate Process: A Multi-Company Perspective.Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11(3), pp.183-200. Paulus, P. and Brown, V. (2007). Toward More Creative and Innovative Group Idea Generation: A Cognitive-Social-Motivational Perspective of Brainstorming.Social Pers Psych Compass, 1(1), pp.248-265. Perttula, M. and Sipil, P. (2007). The idea exposure paradigm in design idea generation.Journal of Engineering Design, 18(1), pp.93-102. Stevens, A., Johnson, G. and Sanberg, P. (2011). The Role Of Patents And Commercialization In The Tenure And Promotion Process.technol innov, 13(3), pp.241-248. Tricou, J. (2009). Innovation et exprimentation scolaires.Projet, 313(6), p.11. Vetter, R. (2014). Technology Commercialization in the Innovation Economy [Guest editor's introduction].Computer, 47(8), pp.20-21. Vinodh, S., Devadasan, S. and Rajanayagam, D. (2006). Design and implementation study of innovative total quality function deployment and its financial accounting system.IJBIR, 1(1/2), p.204.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Dilemmas of Counter-Bokoharamism Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Dilemmas of Counter-Bokoharamism. Answer: The dilemmas of counter-bokoharamism The federal government of Nigeria has faced a number of human rights dilemmas in its efforts to neutralize the effects of Boko-Haram militancy in Nigeria. The militancy has resulted to mayhem, criminal activities against humanity such killings and wanton destruction of property and the government is grappling with how best they can handle the operation to bring to an end these criminal acts of the militia while at same time observing/conforming to human rights issues. This paper will therefore give my opinion on what I will do differently and why on myriad of approaches and dilemmas the government is facing in efforts to counter the group. Between Counter Boko haram and human rights. The Nigerian federal government has largely taken military approach in countering the militia. I think the best way should have been the use of special police trained in military operation. Because military mostly fight with heavy artillery and ammunitions that will definitely spill over to civilians. The group lives within Nigeria where we have other peace loving citizens leaving within the vicinity. Therefore it is likely that when military launches attacks civilians could be the main causality because militias know how to hide women and children especially dont. So there is need for special police force that can also integrate well with civilians and attack the militia with very minimal impact to the civilians. (Sampson, 2013) Between negotiation and containment While the federal government is constantly reminded of the question How can you negotiate with terrorists? whenever it attempts to do so I think sometimes the security of the nation is more important than holding on to punishments. If the side can commit and implement agreements without giving conditions then negotiation is better way to resolving the conflicts. The federal government of Nigeria have negotiated with Niger delta before. Although this group has support with majority of the people because their issues revolve around development, equity in resource sharing and environmental while Boko haram is more of ideological advancements of sharia rule in Nigeria, the government can still negotiate with Boko haram with view of dismantling the militia, and avoid having civilian paying with their lives when the two forces are combating each other. This should however be made clear to them (Boko haram) that the government can only negotiate with them if there is no conditions while at the same time government sustaining the special police assault. (Sampson, 2013) Between Mosaic justice and amnesty/rehabilitation While it is important that people who of have killed innocent civilians are brought to book on human rights account it is also important to look at the bigger picture for the future. The boko haram can be arrested and tried and sentenced but others will also continue using human beings as shields when they are cornered or even abducting and killing others therefore its a cycle with no end. Those who killed people yesterday arraigned to court today and those who will kill people today will be arraigned to court the tomorrow, and thats real circle with no end in sight. The Nigerian government can consider extending amnesty to Boko-haram militants who will surrender and accept to be taken for rehabilitation. Not all militias are hardcore criminals I am sure there are those who will embrace this strategy and surrender because they could be tired with fighting for years on end. Between law enforcement and Judiciary Police officers accuse judicial officers of releasing arrested Boko haram members easily. The Judicial officers on the other hand the evidence brought before them were shoddy and their hand are tied they just have to follow the law. This as resulted to police arresting the militia and executing them in extra-judicial killings or sometimes holding them in cells for very long time without producing them to the court of law. I think the best way here is to retrain the police officers on collection and handling of evidence before they are produced in the court. The judicial officers also aught to collaborate with the police and sensitise them on what kind of evidence hold water for them. This would avoid scenarios where the police feel undone after working hard to arrest criminal only to be released for lack of enough evidence. The extra-judicial killings only serve to aggravate the problem more and inspire retaliatory attacks with civilians the main causality. (Sampson, 2013) References Finch, V. and McGroarty, J. (2010). Human rights. Dundee: Dundee University Press. Haugen, D. and Musser, S. (n.d.). Human rights. Human rights translated. (2008). Clayton, Vic.: Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University. Owen, N. (2010). Human rights, human wrongs. Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press. Sampson, I. (2013). The dilemmas of counter-bokoharamism : Debating state responses to Boko Haram terrorism in northern Nigeria. Security, (29), pp.122 146.
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